Example sentences of "[vb base] [pers pn] [conj] [pron] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 Asked whether he is now used to confrontations , he said : ‘ I hate them but they seem to come my way .
2 But what they ca n't stand is that I hate them when they do n't behave in their own way .
3 I was wise in my childishness even then , at the tender age of five , when most children are forever telling their parents and friends that they hate them and they wish they were dead .
4 Trust me when I say you should have nothing to do with such drivel — make like a tree and leave it .
5 We like people who remind us of ourselves , and we understand and trust them since they reinforce our self-image .
6 In South Africa , ants visiting Ficus sur to tend homopterans deter parasitoids of the figs , thus enhancing pollination success , but some ants feed on arriving pollinators , while some birds eat them as they emerge .
7 Well you 've got your X there , you 've got your two Xs there , so you subtract them and you 've got
8 ‘ You hate me because I have the cash , you hate me because I 'm not tied to a counter in a shop or slaving down the mines for it .
9 You hate me when I turn up in the sexy German motor , you hate me when I ca n't turn up at all .
10 Coton — Pick me or I quit
11 They will scratch at scabs , pick them until they bleed .
12 Pardon me while I tuck the arse back into my trousers ) .
13 Pardon me if I write vehemently , ’ he apologized disingenuously to Poole in his second letter , adding with more than a hint of picturesque excess :
14 PARDON me if I do n't break down in tears at the plight of the parents who are having to take their children out of private schools because they can not afford the fees .
15 Scratch me and I bite . ’
16 Scratch me and I bite . ’
17 A big erm , funnily enough , although three of the other chaps that were involved in , erm , one of them really upset me cos they run up together , he was navigator on together .
18 You connect them and they have arrangement with funeral directors to get them on the cheap .
19 Do you find that people working in here are like that with their children , do you think they sort of push them so you do n't , you know do n't end up working in a factory like me ?
20 You eat yours and I eat mine .
21 I mean I If we have ten thousand pounds , we could put four thousands into an , an annuity , and say six thousand into a P E P , to give a simple example , and the P E P could then accumulate value over the te over the five years , let's assume it 's a five year one , but it could be ten .
22 I usually empty them but I 've been busy .
23 You want me or you do n't .
24 In the same way , it seems clear that there is a positive connection between an open style of communication and organisational performance : ‘ When communication is open , organisations are able to identify their problems early and solve them before they get out of hand .
25 Well all sorts , let sleeping dogs lie , the ones that underline them as I 've underlined in biro .
26 And they know for a fact the minute your kids grab them that you 've got to pay .
27 ‘ You only ever touch me when you want sex , ’ said Elinor .
28 Mock me and you mock the crown ! ’
29 With his dying breath on the Cross , he is reported to have said : ‘ Father , forgive them for they know not what they do' ’ . '
30 Jesus called out to the Father in his spirit and with his voice : ‘ Father forgive them for they know not what they do . ’
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