Example sentences of "[vb base] [pers pn] [vb past] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It 's records like this that make me pissed off with political thrashcore .
2 I mean I went straight in , tell me about your wife , I mean you could 've said well she 's not my wife
3 Well we used to take it in our stride , I mean I grew up with an old Victorian house with potent fires and you had keep the fires going either wise in the winter it was bitterly cold , it was nice and cool in the summer coming out of the heat .
4 There 's the kids , too — I want them got away from him .
5 I expect I woke up at the wrong time .
6 I got Jake to lie , and say I went away on holiday earlier than I did . ’
7 In a way , it 's ended up being a good test to measure potentially good relationships against bad ones , because say I went out with someone and at a party they said , ‘ Sit on me lap , darling ’ , and then they said , ‘ Oh God , you 've only got one leg ’ — well , I 'd know they would n't be worth going out with !
8 And er I I as I say I moved up into the next er school .
9 ‘ I expect you signed in as a voluntary patient ; then they 're covered , Evans said .
10 Commentators say she went out to Australia and New Zealand as a girl , and returned as a woman .
11 You know you say you lived in at Ipswich Station ?
12 I want you tucked up in bed , stat . ’
13 Pity they went astray in the middle .
14 The owners say they came up with the idea first .
15 The Tories say they campaigned harder in this election than ever before .
16 If we fail to take this opportunity Mr Mayor , as I as I feel we are about to do I am a hundred percent convinced that in years to come people will look back at this year , or however long it happens to be and say they missed out on a golden opportunity to make social , to make more houses and to make social housing better in this city and across the country .
17 After the immediate hurt and disappointment , the Taylors say they bounced back with resilience .
18 At my first touch it shot away over my arm .
19 I expect he jumped out at the last minute .
20 They say it went down to minus ten last night . ’
21 In the darkness and wet it lived up to its evil reputation .
22 But what he lacked in build he made up for in speed and skill , nipping in and out of solid defences with astounding ease .
23 I 'm gon na ha have it , cut , I want it cut round like that and I want
24 Say that we want it set up in here with a photograph and that wants to be on the thing outsi
25 Want it mopped over in the morning .
26 Yes , I know what you 're all thinking — shame it turned out to be me — Andy Harris .
27 Others say he came in with both , and when he left the office there seemed even more blood on his apron .
28 But other reports say he lived happily in retirement on a generous KGB pension .
29 They say he looked exactly like the family picture of old Sir Hugo , who first saw the Hound .
30 Friends say he cared deeply for the countryside and worked tirelessly to improve the public rights of way network through his job as footpath officer for the Richmondshire group of the ramblers ' association , which he helped to start .
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