Example sentences of "[vb base] [pers pn] [adv] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Take it away and bring me about a quarter of it . ’
2 In previous years I have n't had a class on the and I thought I had one this year as an experiment and er , pardon me just a second hello yes , that was a little annoying to say the least , cos those students have come in specially for that , yeah , yeah yeah yeah yeah right Oh dear right certainly not well , would it be easier to show them in my office , that 's seven , seven , seven ?
3 But the prison system — not particularly capital punishment — but the penal system as it is , and the whole apparatus of judgement , people deciding on other people 's fates … that does irritate , and upset me quite a lot . ’
4 He glanced at his watch , became distracted : ‘ Forgive me just a moment — kitchen duties .
5 ‘ I want you upstairs a moment , ’ she said .
6 ‘ Good job you do , ’ she went on , ‘ because I cook it once a week to give the tins a good clean out . ’
7 Grandmother used to say that if it had been possible to take their personalities and shake them together a bit it would have been better for both of them .
8 the next meeting in March , with very good reason , it clashes with a conference that needs to attend so we 're proposing , with your agreement , that we put it forward a week to the seventeenth of March , is that a problem for anybody ?
9 I BRING you today a hand from a recent teams match where the number of tricks made in the same final contract was eleven in one room , but only six in the other .
10 Or , imagine that the lights go out as Harry has just begun saying : ( 2 ) Listen , I 'm not disagreeing with you but with you , and not about this but about this Or , Suppose we find a bottle in the sea , and inside it a message which reads : ( 3 ) Meet me here a week from now with a stick about this big We do not know who to meet , where or when to meet him or her , or how big a stick to bring .
11 For example , in Levinson 's ( 1983 ) well-known deictic utterance , Meet me here a week from now with a stick about this big , there are certain words , such as me , here , now and this , which have part of their meaning which is context-sensitive .
12 If you give me just a second … a second or two … just … ’
13 Some sportsmen connect you viscerally with them when they perform , often those who , like Christie , are not infallible , are not always perfectly behaved , but who give you both a run for your money and a sense that what they 're doing is dramatic and important .
14 OUR super EXCLUSIVE Wallchart features 14 of the terrible tearaways and the dramatic full-colour pictures give you just a hint of what it must be like to meet them in the ring .
15 Nell , watching them go , sighed and said , ‘ She did n't kiss Xanthe goodnight , you know , or give her even a hug to comfort her .
16 Give it away a bit really did n't he ?
17 In the meantime they visit them once a fortnight .
18 Diana and Mary are both married , and we visit them once a year .
19 Some food names tell you quite a lot about what 's in the food , provided you know a lot about food law !
20 ‘ I like him quite a lot . ’
21 Peers visit him once a month to hand over expenses forms on which they specify the days they have attended the Chamber for debates .
22 Now I like it quite a lot . ’
23 Edward Topsel , the English naturalist , writing in 1658 stipulated that , to cure blindness , or pains in the eye : ‘ Take the head of a black Cat , which hath not a spot of another colour in it , and burn it to powder in an earthen pot leaded or glazed within , then take this powder and through a quill blow it thrice a day into the eye ’ — the italics were not used in the original , but are to draw attention to the crucial quality of the black cat who is about to lose his head .
24 " So am I , Fiddy , so am I. Oh , go and get us both a glass of brandy , woman .
25 Studies of simple brains like that of Aplysia tell us quite a lot .
26 Rugby Club , pay them both a tenner
27 Once you think it is clean , rinse it again a couple of times to make absolutely sure , fill the basin with cold water and place one strand of seaweed in the basin at a time .
28 Aphrosyne is my real name , but people over here find it rather a mouthful — like the Greek part of my surname .
29 Pay it once a month .
30 Seventy nine per cent of people who make New Year 's resolutions keep them only a week .
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