Example sentences of "[vb base] [noun pl] [prep] [det] side " in BNC.

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1 You take a position and then you say things on either side of it .
2 Press campaigns on both sides did something , though just how much is still debated , to worsen Anglo-German relations in the two decades before 1914 .
3 Although Hoyle 's model can be criticised on the grounds that the ideal types do not exist , or that many teachers exhibit characteristics from both sides of the model , it nevertheless exposes crucial aspects of the relationships between teachers and the organisations in which they work when used in the heuristic format for which it was intended .
4 Make enquiries from both sides of the family .
5 Crack shots on both sides would display their deadly virtuosity by firing , not at enemy soldiers , but at inanimate targets close to the enemy soldiers , a technique also used in Western films ( like shooting out candle flames ) .
6 Councils run by all groupings and more importantly on the whole er by none at all er through independent councillors at parish level and they have responded with that united voice , declaring their support for a separate Cornish constituency and it might er bear remarking as I think members on all sides of this house are aware , getting that kind of agreement between councils at different tiers and in different areas of the county is pretty remarkable in itself .
7 I think colleagues on this side will seek to press the minister even further on the latest developments in France and indeed what influence we can have to make sure that if we pass these orders today , they do become the basis of the European elections .
8 Lighting for a mirror should light the person and not the mirror , so position lights on either side of the mirror .
9 Might not the presence of that tournament in the country excite feelings on either side ?
10 Make slits on each side at an angle and plait .
11 Leon and Madelaine , meanwhile , have chairs on either side of their bed on which to put their respective clothes .
12 Whereas the vertical combs of honey-bees have cells on both sides , the paper-wasp 's horizontal combs have them only on the under-surface .
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