Example sentences of "[vb base] [art] [adj] [noun sg] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 This combination of specimens could be recognized either by grouping them into a single genus or into a tribe , and on present evidence I favour the latter alternative and suggest the Afropithecini as a suitable name .
2 Does a government of the left , for example , produce policy outcomes which favour the working class and organized labour , and shift power from the private to the state sector ?
3 Catholic insecurity merged with the understandable fears of the wealthy , especially in the countryside , that the Republic would threaten landed property and in general favour the working class and peasantry over the employers and large landowners .
4 Knead the risen dough and divide into walnut-sized balls .
5 Semi-permanents that do not contain oxidation dyes just stain the outer hair and do not cause porosity and damage .
6 Conscious that , if this buying-out aspect of the report was to be approved by the Committee the Club would , in losing its bondholders , also lose the long-term continuity and stability on its Committee previously created by their existence , Robert Naish 's Sub-Committee incorporated a contentious recommendation ( in which it fervently believed ) so as to ensure a measure of long-term Committee continuity .
7 I lose the damn thing and crash blindly against him , but he skips backwards , and as the mist clears I see his eyes blazing and his teeth bared and the gun is comfortable in his hand and pointing at my chest .
8 Great tangled briars hide the ancient brick and stones .
9 Set the ruler line and display the new line and paragraph formatting marks ( see Tasks 16 and 20 )
10 Many women display the chronic kind and are continuously putting themselves down .
11 Horses kept in isolation , often the fate of colts after weaning , frequently display the inappropriate behaviour and high anxiety which is demonstrated time and time again in laboratory animals reared in impoverished environments with reduced mental and sensory stimulation .
12 First crack the whole code and keep it on one side .
13 Mrs Smith needs someone to help her with the practical side of caring , to arrange respite breaks , coordinate the nursing input and ensure that the hospital and local authority services work together with her .
14 If no changes occur then repeat the same remedy and wait again .
15 Financial : Paying for the consequences of the addictive disease of the primary sufferer can be exceedingly expensive and families may even be much more willing to pay Court fines than to pay towards the costs of treatment — The disgrace and deprivation of prison are commonly felt to be consequences that are best avoided whereas they may in fact be the crucial turning point that bring the primary sufferer and the family member into full realisation of the seriousness of addictive disease and the need to seek recovery .
16 Since N-Oct 5 proteins contain only the POU DNA-binding domain and lack the homopolymeric glutamine and glycine stretches ( see Figure 1 and 2 ) , it seemed possible that N-Oct 5 would inhibit N-Oct 3 by competing for DNA-binding .
17 Although macroporous bioceramics show excellent biocompatibility , they are inherently brittle and lack the mechanical strength or toughness needed for high stress use — eg in hip replacements .
18 This is the best record ever made ! ’ — the songs lack the bursting invention and variation of great pop/soul/jazz/harmonica gumbo or whatever to lift them into that category .
19 Short-run variability of V. Even though monetarists stress the direct mechanism and a relatively inelastic L curve , they do admit to some variability of the velocity of circulation ( V ) in the short run .
20 One must , of course , always stress the human factor and beware the danger of geographical determinism ; nevertheless , it is revealing to find that 86 per cent of estate villages in Kent had no Dissenting chapel , but that such places of worship were common in the scattered settlements of former forest or wood-pasture zones .
21 ‘ What does it profit a king , John , if he conquer the whole world and suffer the loss of his beloved son ? ’
22 This article will present a definition appropriate for community development , review the public health and social science literature that suggests the health-enhancing capability of empowerment , and provide an overview of empowerment education theory from Brazilian educator Paulo Freire .
23 Reformat the characters , but not the paragraphs , to their default style ( highlight the whole document and tap Alt+Spacebar ) .
24 CAN the Princess of Wales remain the big fashion and social icon of 1993 ?
25 The main foci of international relations remain the American connection and the pursuit of trade and investment .
26 Thus a program was written which , given a suggested set of grade boundaries , would evaluate their effects in terms of : ( i ) the numbers of staff by " before " and " after " grade ; ( ii ) the overall percentage upgrading and downgrading ; ( iii ) the percentage changes by grade ( that is the percentage of staff in each " before " grade who are upgraded , who remain the same grade and who are downgraded ) .
27 If the universal calibration curve is valid for the system then where the subscripts s and u denote the standard calibration and the polymer under study , respectively .
28 We had prominent citizens and influential groups cable the Prime Minister and the provincial Premier .
29 The trading implications of this analysis are as follows : if the spot price is expected to rise , buy the far contract and sell the near contract ; if dividends on the index for the period after the near contract is delivered are expected to rise , or if the dividends on the near contract are expected to rise , sell the far contract and buy the near contract ; if the risk-free rate of interest for the period between the delivery of the near and far contracts is expected to rise , buy the far contract and sell the near contract ; and the implications of a change in r N depend on the value of r' .
30 The process can be repeated to produce complex patterns which introduce the regular hexagon and octagon to the faces .
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