Example sentences of "[vb base] [prep] [noun] [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 Remuage in fact required a modification of the original shaking process developed by the widow , involving a fractional tilt of each bottle ( from horizontal to perpendicular ) following every short , sharp twist to loosen the sediment .
2 When entering shops it is essential to make a mental note of who is in front of you , and it is the custom when entering a shop to ask if they have the items you want in stock to avoid a pointless wait .
3 For a housegroup to be a safe place in which people can be themselves and grow to maturity takes a particular kind of enabling leadership .
4 The Daemonettes appear to characters failing an Int test as attractive members of the opposite sex of their own race ; a successful WP test is required to resist their charms .
5 Last summer the crew of a Britannia Airways Boeing 737 inbound to Gatwick filed an airmiss report claiming that a small black lozenge-shaped object , thought to have been a balloon , had passed within 100 yards of the airliner at FL140 over Surrey .
6 The fact that small groups tend of necessity to comprise a membership of close kin favours the occurrence of kin selection and hence a high probability that cooperative behaviour will evolve .
7 Secondly the allowance for inflation was based on a three per cent price increase and because of the very competitive nature of the prices we receive for maintenance work a sum of two hundred and seventy thousand pounds can be carried forward into next year from this allowance , in other words the real purchasing power of the budget have been maintained and two hundred and seventy thousand pounds can be put aside to stand in the future .
8 In my case it was also different , for though I had done no criminal act I had by force of circumstance set sail for Koraloona to build a new life there .
9 One set of reactions to a traumatic experience are termed ‘ positive ’ , a non-evaluative term , and consist of compulsions to repeat an action or thought , and fixation at an early stage of development .
10 It 's possible I could s if I walk from Newcastle catch a bus to Newcastle then walk from Newcastle .
11 PATIENTS in Britain face the longest wait in Europe to see a specialist , according to a major study published yesterday .
12 They decided , with a wild mixture of folly and idealism , that in the spring of 1795 they would set sail from England to establish an ideal community in America , and in the meantime would gather recruits for the scheme and earn money for it by writing .
13 Finally , will he make it clear , as my right hon. Friend the Member for Manchester , Gorton ( Mr. Kaufman ) has done , that British aid and trade depend on Indonesia seeking an agreed solution and ending its illegal occupation of East Timor .
14 An ITN cameraman injured during a police charge at Wapping received an undisclosed out-of-court settlement from the Metropolitan Police after a High Court damages claim ( The Guardian , 25 January 1989 ) .
15 Before I leave , I stop by Contracts to sprinkle a little salt in the wounds of deskbound Nick Thumb by describing ( almost ) all the fun of the Fair .
16 Kate Bristow commented , ‘ It is a real privilege for ACET to be asked to work with such people as they look for ways to develop an effective strategy . ’
17 His distinction between function and index ( two of his basic narrative units ) is determined by whether the units link with others to form a chain of actions ( the functions ) , or whether their role is a more diffuse contribution to the meaning of the story , such as information about characters ( the indices ) .
18 If the plaster is still in reasonable condition , have the walls lined with bitumen paper or brush them with a waterproofing liquid , adding battens treated with a preservative , and hang with plasterboard to make a new surface in front of the old one .
19 And each week around 80 demonstrators from the region meet in Middlesbrough to get a motivation injection .
20 But what is familiar is generally popular , and most people look to music to provide an enjoyable way of expressing their faith and aspirations .
21 Legal executive Liza , 24 , said the Bosnian army would not let 25-year-old boxer Senad Pezerovic , who had fought with them as a volunteer , travel to Austria to get a visa for Britain .
22 A chamber open to visitors displays an Early Bronze Age beaker burial , and magnificent views take in the mountains of Arran , the Trossachs , the Bass Rock in the Firth of Forth , and the Border hills .
23 We then have to solve a set of linear algebraic equations with complex coefficients ; ( ii ) Iterate with A postmultiplying an arbitrary row
24 The minerals in hard water combine with soap to form a ‘ scum ’ which can leave a ring around baths and basins .
25 And your favourite relais ( inn ) as you drive through France becomes a mere relai .
26 You know for people to have a loot at .
27 And and you hear of people having a degree in political science , how can a person obtain a degree in political science .
28 Design of course remains an essential factor contributing to future growth , and is another strength of Wedgwood and its associated companies , all of which are served by a large , highly qualified and experienced team of designers and modellers , with the added contributions of eminent contemporary artists .
29 The goodies you get with WordStar include a keyboard template , details of the WordStar forum on CompuServe. free technical support for the life of the product , a pull-out guide to menus , plus a mass of well written manuals .
30 till we get to X equals a one and it starts making a bit of difference , so it 'll probably go like this .
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