Example sentences of "[vb base] [to-vb] [pron] i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 You want to know what I do ?
2 And if you really want to know what I think , it 's that you Cretaceous people are insanely arrogant .
3 ‘ You want to know what I think ? ’
4 ‘ I think you want to hear what I have to say , ’ he told her .
5 Having said that , I 've always known that if I want to express myself I have to have a large vocabulary on the guitar .
6 I mean sometimes do it very cleverly but what I 'm saying is I want to illustrate what I meant by the words never used message .
7 All I know is that I want to give everything I have for England again . ’
8 I want to forget what I 've done and begin a new life , be a new person . ’
9 Well if I want to turn something I 've got ta keep walking in and out and I do n't wan na do that .
10 ‘ I work till I drop to achieve what I want . ’
11 I like to see what I 've done .
12 I like to say what I have to say in as few words as possible and to lay my cards on the table for all to see .
13 ‘ Before you call me all the names you can think of , and before you demand to know what I think I 'm doing , I want to say how lovely you look ; your dress is exquisite , but no more than you are .
14 I think to appreciate it I think you 've got ta cook it
15 ‘ I never fail to get what I want , ’ he said with unnervingly quiet confidence .
16 I hate to say something I do n't mean , and I had enough sense left to know I might not be prepared to keep my side of the contract tomorrow .
17 ‘ If I die , or if I disappear for more than three months , ’ the will began , ‘ I wish to leave everything I own to my dear friend Edward Hyde . ’
18 I venture to repeat what I said in Powell v McFarlane ( 1977 ) 38 P & CR 452 at 470 – 1 : " Factual possession signifies an appropriate degree of physical control .
19 I have to write what I 've been talking about .
20 When I have to answer them I have some difficulty defending Members of the House , for whom I have a high regard and affection , if they behave badly , but such bad behaviour does not always come from the same side of the House .
21 ‘ So you 'll see , I 'm sure you 'll see , that I ca n't listen to you , Holy Father Tom , ca n't hear you , ca n't , not for a minute , so you 'll have to do as you 're told , have to do what I want , Father Tom , because there 's no time for this , no time , no time for these words of yours , you fuck , Your fucking Holy Holiness , only time for what I want , time for words of mine , time for what I want to say , nothing else , Father Tom , you fuck , Your fucking Holiness , you see , for my words , nothing else , nothing Holy Father , nothing else , just me , just mine , only time for that . ’
22 And another thing , all the servants have to do what I want , because if I 'm angry , I become ill . ’
23 then I have to do something I suppose before we look round it 'll be August we 'll be off to Malta
24 I have to decide what I mean by ‘ working-class ’ , and then I have to choose an ‘ indicator ’ of this concept .
25 get all these programmes for some reason , somebody allowed for it when they put the system in , mind you still have to check it I suppose but checked through it , tested it , took me about five minutes , still a minimum charge of an hour
26 You have to copy everything I do , do n't you ?
27 Meh'Lindi , I need to confide what I learned in that conclave … ’
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