Example sentences of "[vb base] [vb mod] [verb] them [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Happily for their manager Sebastiao Lazaroni , the Brazilians are now unbeaten in 15 games and embarked on a run which they hope will carry them to Turin next summer on a wave of confidence and efficiency .
2 Meanwhile the police have produced new evidence which they hope will lead them to the killer .
3 Torvill and Dean back on British ice for the training routine they hope will take them to championship success once again .
4 Which train will take them to Ratvick ?
5 He must be ‘ full of knowledge , even of tillage and pasturage , and through teaching people by what they understand must lead them to what they understand not ’ .
6 RAIL commuters have protested at timetable changes they claim will leave them with a long wait or walk .
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