Example sentences of "[vb base] [subord] [pron] [am/are] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 I certainly advise you to keep asking questions throughout because as I say although they 're speaking in a very very general way the often slip up and give you a particular that you can take advantage and if you lead them on then the more information is available to you .
2 I mean things like what I want on desperately quickly is Rebel Yell cos they 're spending a fortune in the rock , well all our punters all know it .
3 Never share a needle or syringe if you 're injecting drugs .
4 I want if you 're struggling with it just throw something down and say , Oh gosh I ca n't you know .
5 We 'll get some cheese whatever you want if you 're having toast as well Tracy , well yeah I was going to say that probably would be a better size shout at daddy then where 's he gone ?
6 A , but what I 'm sa , wha the point you were making Adrian , is tha , is is that 's what you 've got ta keep in mind about every time you walk into a business or phone up a business , that it does matter that it 's in , your , that 's not what we want cos I 'm telling you , you know , do n't you know , the security guys photographing , you know , lampposts and stuff like that .
7 So maybe think of them as syllables little bits say if we 're going to say something like Tranmere Rovers .
8 Okay so I think that erm some of Mill 's system he has given us and accounted them a type of theory of democracy but seems to me deeply by between two ideas , one is that everyone will have a say in government and the other is they should n't be allowed decisive say if they are going to say the wrong thing so that on the one hand we have democratic equality of a source , on the other hand we have an independent theory of the good and a democratic process should be allowed to disrupt the good of the nation and Mill just does n't seem to be able to put these two elements in erm proper coherent fashion .
9 They like training which they can actually apply , that has practical applications so say if you 're thinking of something like erm motivation styles or something like that , if you were gon na introduce Lounslow I du n no at the motivation there are loads of them one 's Lounslow one 's Hertzberg if you were introducing our training to a pragmatist what would be essential is you could actually show the practical application of it , if you just put forward C V and no practical application the pragmatist would say well this is all very well in theory , but how can I apply it to my job and if they ca n't they think well what 's the value of this .
10 Erm say if you 're looking at erm say if and you think well I know pretty much about alternative sources of power , wind and water and all that stuff .
11 Yes , say if you 're looking at an E O that feels that they 're really happy with the client group , and things like that that 's fine .
12 It 's just that they say if you 're doing physics sometimes you know this might help you
13 I 'd like to know cos I can get , if I 'm getting say if I 'm getting about two
14 I think the guys snigger because they 're covering up for their embarrassment that 's
15 ‘ I ca n't concentrate on what you say while I 'm driving , ’ said Melissa gently .
16 that is a luxury I think erm to be able to do it , if you want to write and earn money , which I do as well as , as socialize while I 'm working erm you 've got to find ways of , of , of doing that and erm just writing books and poetry just would n't , I , I , I could n't survive on that , I really do have to find other ways of , of earning money which is enjoying more and also uses of my skill and erm I would think you 'd need to be in contact with the situation rather than you not knowing , being able to write about that .
17 The last thing that you want when you 're turkeying is to talk about gear .
18 Have you got the stomach for that , or are you only brave when you 're threatening a woman ? ’
19 You wait until they 're looking your way and then give a whistle or call .
20 Mud pools wait until you are looking the other way before plopping discreetly .
21 I resent the fact that now I worry if I 'm travelling late by bus .
22 For another second I flail like I 'm drowning , and Casey grabs at the gun and wrenches it upwards from my hand .
23 I sa , as I say , I met this morning with the three members from Potter Street erm we do have various alternative proposals for sa ways forward should the village back out and what I can say to you at this stage is that we have another meeting scheduled for next week , we will be meeting with the Resident 's Associations keeping them fully informed erm we will ensure that the letter goes back to Mrs who and the other Resident 's Associations who expressed concern there and that we will be taking , I hope , I hope because I 'm gon na have to say if Woolwich back out we 're going out we 're going have to move very fast and do some quite erm in-depth work .
24 What , what I would always hope though , is that they might go for some help , because even if they decide to separate , and er get support while they 're doing so , they may be able to understand what was going on in the relationship , what they were looking for in each other .
25 You should nominate someone to receive benefits in case you die while you are working for us .
26 Most of the other horses are relaxed in spite of the fracas — their ears show whether they 're attending to the fight or to the cameraman .
27 They did — and still can — mean much , much more than you probably imagine as you 're putting this week 's issue together
28 Business and pleasure only mix when you 're wielding the cocktail shaker .
29 The pins on VGA monitor cables are so thin they usually bend when you 're plugging them into your PC .
30 I dance like I 'm splashing water , swirling round them , down the street .
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