Example sentences of "[vb base] [subord] they [verb] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 That 's where they report before they start and that 's where they report after they 're finished . ’
2 Figures taken from an American survey indicated that ‘ learners retain about 10% of what they read , 20% of what they hear , 30% of what they see , 50% of what they see and hear , 70% of what they say as they talk and 90% of what they say as they do a thing ’ .
3 Just wait till they bring and get down and to get on down
4 You curse when they fail and when you bring what you feel is the perfect bloom against others you still fail
5 They are asked to visit one of the 17 windfarms operating in England and Wales and assess whether they enhance or disturb the beauty of the countryside .
6 Pat 's job had already brought her into contact with the problems people face when they retire and feel that just because they 've stopped working , they 've dropped out of society .
7 Because teachers often can not answer the question of why they teach as they do and because they refer to statements such as that they just know what to do or have a feeling or sense about what to do , it has been suggested that what guides teachers in making sense of their work and what commits them to action is a mixture of " personal knowledge , tacit knowledge , routine knowledge … when conscious thought is not permitted the time to percolate and inform practice " ( Simons and Elliott 1989 ) .
8 ‘ There used to be totters , ’ said Billy O'Rourke , With big smelly horses and that And my dad knew gypsies who smile when they talk And live by the tip of the hat . ’
9 They go where they want and do whatever they like .
10 People come and go as they wish and people call there .
11 Do as they say and they 'll release me .
12 I think in essence I mean many of our students are doing nothing different to what students at other universities do when they go and have a private party in their lodgings .
13 They were n't like other infantry , drilled to stand in line and fight until they fell or fled , but skirmishers , men of judgment and initiative , who had to decide for themselves when to fire , advance , retreat , surrender , or die .
14 They are very good though , they come when they say and they , they d they do something about it
15 And she , Alexandra Maitland , had a chance to put some of her own ideas into practice and see whether they worked or not .
16 The women in the village say , ‘ Poor Elizabeth , she has a lot to put up with , with that big old house and Angharad , and Hywel working so hard on the farm ’ , but their eyes gleam as they speak and they do not like her .
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