Example sentences of "[vb base] [vb pp] up [prep] an " in BNC.

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1 Would n't it be better than bring cooped up like an animal in that place ? ’
2 Knowing how busy you 'll be these next few weeks , I 've come up with an idea that might put your mind at ease and allow Jelka to come to terms with her experience . ’
3 The young ( you can see it in their faces ) , the stegosaurus rugged no-hopers , the parrot-crested blankies — they 've come up with an appropriate response to this , which is : nothing .
4 Since then I 've been thinking it over and I 've come up with an idea .
5 The measures will be even tighter than those instituted for all flights from French airports a week ago — which include the X-raying of all hold baggage , new controls on hand baggage , and body searches — that have added up to an hour to flight checks-ins .
6 Electro-acoustic technology being one of the main battlegrounds in the acoustic guitar war , respected US makers Guild have come up with an all-new pickup to accompany their all-new range of guitars .
7 There 's nothing more romantic than mother nature herself and Schwarzkopf have come up with an exciting new product for colouring hair — the natural way .
8 Together with American businessman David A Gold and technical experts from West Germany , they have come up with an exciting new development for hair .
9 Employing those conceptions , we can ask how we can know that we have succeeded in referring to anything , and how we can know that we have come up with an accurate description of what we have referred to .
10 EFFORTS to improve atomic clocks have come up against an unexpected hurdle .
11 In so far as they have grown up in an ad hoc fashion , designed by the art colleges on an individual basis , it is difficult to generalize about them .
12 Many adults have grown up in an environment in which they have picked up extremely infantile notions — notions which have never been challenged directly , but which , because of their almost total inadequacy and failure to square with other knowledge and experience , cause religion itself to be rejected as people become more sophisticated in other departments of life and other areas of knowledge .
13 If you have ended up with an unsatisfactory employee the chances are there was a flaw in your selection procedure .
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