Example sentences of "[vb base] [vb pp] [to] [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I 've got ta be real careful about listening to tapes before I go out there , so I do n't put on something too far out . ’
2 So I said , well come on you 've got ta be reasonable with me so I spoke to him last week and he says , look you did n't have one last year so I 'll give you two .
3 they 've got ta be brilliant at it But
4 I ca n't remember your surname , I 've got ta be honest .
5 Well I , I 've got ta be honest in what I 'm saying , I sat through two services yesterday the morning service did a lot for me .
6 Oh I enjoy it though , I 've got ta be honest .
7 When , when you 're asking the questions about the existing policies they 've got ta be closed questions
8 And I , I really get the impression that , for a while , you know there was , there was just this incredible rush and they just thought oh we 've got to do something , and , and tha that 's what and this idea that you 've got ta be right
9 You 've got ta be sad not to notice have you ?
10 You 've got ta , you 've got ta be hardworking .
11 But I ca n't , me , I mean , I 've got ta be happy cos a it 's the only thing today , is happy .
12 And at the same time you 've got ta be able to talk to the managing director and have lunch with him and talk about what was on television and what the state of the country is and the economic situation and everything , you know .
13 You 've got ta be able to trust the man . ’
14 See , Sue has n't come back to me , the science department has n't come to me so I 'm not , I may leave that and say , and do something like that next year in a module or wait until I 've finished again I do n't mind , that 's still something in my mind which I would like to do but because talking to the form tutor 's , what I had written down as a fait a complet erm they 're not too keen so therefore I opened up and say you know , which particular things they were interested in the banking one they are very interested in the environment one , yes , within the school tidy upping area that they would like to do but I 've got ta be able to , and I do n't when planting season is or if I wan na put , be able to put flowers in etcetera , you see what I mean ?
15 I 've got ta be able to tell him that .
16 You 've got ta be able to run a little tidy up programme , we should just get rid of all these stubs and things !
17 You 've got ta be able to not live in fear to say state your opinion .
18 Right , so I mean obviously if there 's anything that comes up as you go along I 've got ta be able to you know you and I , I 'll just chat it through , but when it comes to things like er me talk to you , sales talk to you for instance about a comparative question , you would n't know what I was talking about would you ?
19 I mean I you 've got ta be clear what it is you actually want to do .
20 Cos they 've got ta be pretty , definitely need them .
21 trying to tell them that they they must of course need in fact to spend two and a half thousand pound on a full page in a medical practice booklet er for two years , you 've got ta be punchy on the phone have n't you Trevor ?
22 You 've got ta be hard on yourselves and say this is my business , I ca n't afford to waste time , I want to deal with people that wan na do business with me .
23 There has been a failure of the crankshaft thrust washers in this case , and certainly in my view that 's exactly what the insurance is there for , and by virtue of the fact that this company is n't honouring it I feel very strongly about and I 'm endeavouring to correct that , but I think erm we 've got ta be fair that this is a conflict of interest to me .
24 But I 've got ta be responsible for it .
25 Well you 've got ta be clean
26 They 've got ta be willing to part with that bit of money .
27 cos if he he 's on a twelve hour shift and , those meetings tend to be have been around the same sort of time , then obviously , what we 've got ta be careful about is , adding any more hours
28 I think the thing we 've got ta be careful about , is also trying to er i if we ask everybody put all their analysis as such , we could start thinking panicking or whatever
29 you could ac what you , what you , you 've got ta be careful what you 're
30 We 've got ta be careful that in er using that sheet , we do n't do it in such a way as to bully and turn off the customer by saying , by the way , you 'd better make sure you 've done this , this , this , this and this , cos I 'm not doing it .
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