Example sentences of "[vb base] [vb pp] [pers pn] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ This sort of thing can actually work out to a station 's ultimate advantage if handled correctly , which it has been , since you 've shown us to be flexible and public-spirited .
2 I 've found them to be quite effective , actually , ’ he sniggers in a lewd and rueful manner .
3 So that 's where the money 's going , and we 're hoping that we make enough money in sponsorship so that the money we earn , people will know that it 's all going out to help the projects we want to , and it 's not being wasted on administration , especially after there 's been erm a bit of a debark over Sting 's money , where only 5% went to the Indians and also the Rainforest Foundation has since collapsed , so our head-office is going to be absolutely stringent about making sure that the money is spent where we 've asked it to be spent .
4 ‘ Oliver , ’ he said , lapsing almost parodically at this solemn moment into the brute vocabulary of mercantilism , ‘ we 've asked you to be a witness and that 's our final offer . ’
5 I 've seen her for a few minutes , but now they 've taken her to be X-rayed .
6 They were also at the stage when they still found funny voices funny , and Charles had his best audience in years for his Welsh , developed for Under Milk Wood ( ‘ A production which demonstrated everything the theatre can offer , except talent ’ — Nottingham Evening Post ) , his Cornish , as used in Love 's Labour 's Lost ( ‘ Charles Paris 's Costard was about as funny as an obituary notice ’ — New Statesman ) and the voice he had used as a Chinese Broker 's Man in Aladdin ( ‘ My watch said that the show only lasted two and a half hours , so I 've taken it to be repaired ’ — Glasgow Herald ) .
7 It 's crazy saying that when they 've forced us to be nomadic .
8 ‘ Only because you 've allowed it to be .
9 While the official figure is 25,000 miles — equivalent to circumnavigating the globe — some journalists have calculated it to be nearer 15,000 , which they suggest would leave Mr Ashdown stranded in East Timor .
10 Speaking from the governor 's mansion in Little Rock , Arkansas , local boy Bill , said : ‘ I accept tonight the responsibility you have given me to be the leader of this , the greatest country in human history . ’
11 For my own part , I should not , judging by his face , have guessed him to be a poet .
12 Many more have claimed him to be a genius of the hidden writings of the past ; an unsurpassed esoteric ; an extraordinary magician who deliberately mixed up his mysterious verses to hide them from weaklings and meddlers .
13 At least , the cricket authorities have deemed him to be so , even if A.E .
14 Is God really as good as you have trusted him to be ?
15 They have expected her to be super-wife , good in bed , a wonderful mother , an efficient housekeeper , a co-counsellor , and an earner of income .
16 The dates are significant , for they show that the spirit which ruled in the Italian city republics had noisy echoes in Germany and France — all over northern Europe indeed ; and that Italy and the northern communes were not so far apart as the northern monarchs and many modern historians have wished them to be .
17 You have owned me to be your superior before , and you will do so now . ’
18 Some critics have considered it to be too weak and idiosyncratic to carry responsibility for major public and social services .
19 By due process of law we have sentenced him to be slit in the hamstrings to be an example to those who would follow him and make him a hero to the people .
20 Through these arguments one arrives at the position that the use of ROI need not be so harmful as academic accountants ( including me in the early 1970s ! ) and more recently academics from other fields have argued it to be .
21 The reason why I have thought it to be so definitely a first edition is usually only because the title verso states : ‘ First published 19XX ’ or some such wording , and there is no mention about a second or third impression , or , because there was a date on the title page and a blank on the title verso ; or the title verso had only the copyright date on it .
22 Peter Conrad 's previous books of critiism ismand autobiography have shown him to be a master of a certain style of brilliant , allusive , penetrating prose .
23 Although magistrates are no longer predominantly male , successive studies ( notably Baldwin , 1976 ; but see also Hood , 1972 , and Burney , 1979 ) have shown them to be overwhelmingly middle-aged and middle-class .
24 This is one of the things that some studies have shown it to be the case , other studies have n't .
25 Since then , however , two further studies have shown it to be no better than placebo and inferior to 5-ASA .
26 Bill remarks that the criteria have helped him to be clearer about what is involved in being a good supervisor .
27 And I have helped her to be so , Ruth thought , jealousy surging through her .
28 Help us Lord , to live a hundred percent for you ; fill us with the Holy Spirit , and help us to make Jesus the centre of our life and work every day , wherever You have called us to be .
29 He values the situations and people that have enabled him to be more himself , to find a dynamic fulfilment in the ability to express his deeper feelings , explore life further and evolve as a person .
30 He values the situations and people that have enabled him to be more himself , to find a dynamic fulfilment in the ability to express his deeper feelings , explore life further and evolve as a person .
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