Example sentences of "[vb base] [vb pp] [conj] they [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 Well … time passed and they fungused .
2 Bicker estimated that they had put some three miles between themselves and the scene of the attack .
3 Well actually how I got into it was I was idle at the time and er my two chums were French polishers and as I 've said and they said , Er now would you like to come in and try it ?
4 Erm quite like these actually , there slip on 's and , and they 've got and they got erm studs
5 Why should organisations such as the NFoL , the NVALA and others have developed when they did ?
6 The Jewish people seem to be in a continuous latency period in that they have forgotten that they murdered Moses , and , before him , the Primal Father .
7 I have talked to lady presidents of prior years who have said that they did not experience any difficulties .
8 The council 's Labour leadership , who have been in control since 1986 , have argued that they had no control over the transactions as the day to day running of the finance department is in the hands of expert financial staff .
9 The fund managers have said that any investors who have suffered because they bought or sold at incorrect prices will be compensated .
10 But where the uproar has come from is from people who have thought that they had got binding court agreements .
11 Mr Morris said : ‘ Many of the investors in Barlow Clowes were elderly people and some 500 have died since they lost their money .
12 Successive generations of trees got taller and taller , but at the end they might better , in one sense , have stayed where they started .
13 Some survivors from ‘ dive-in ’ accidents have confirmed that they knew it was useless to try to pull out of the dive while they could ‘ feel ’ the glider was still stalled .
14 This Act has been used successfully by motorists , who have discovered that they had been deceived about the previous mileage covered by a second-hand car .
15 Both McLean and Burgess have denied that they forced soil and debris into the victim 's mouth , choking her to death .
16 Ancient woodlands , seemingly wild , have survived because they had a value for our ancestors .
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