Example sentences of "[vb base] [be] [vb pp] on [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 They fry were fed on baby brineshrimp and although not fast growers they seemed to do well .
2 Home Alone couple are jeered on holiday jet
3 Least time was spent on cleaning and administration and recording .
4 I 've been trained on union education courses , the same as you people have out there today , this union spends a tremin tremendous amount of money on training shop stewards to challenge such agreements .
5 Ex-servicemen who 've been injured on duty have been meeting their old adversaries on the sporting field .
6 Two important road improvements in Cleveland have been completed on schedule .
7 Many of the criticisms of Davis and Moore 's views have been based on evidence which indicates that no stratification system operates as their theory argues .
8 To date most stratification schemes have been based on exercise testing , Hotter recordings and coronary arteriography though a number of newer variables have been recently investigated .
9 Two policemen were shot dead in Johannesburg yesterday , bringing to 40 the number of South African police members who have been assassinated on duty so far this year .
10 But the area office files also carry ‘ white ’ information , in the form of the date and the sum involved in any potential transaction when they have been consulted on behalf of the member ; also the customer 's occupation , and an outline of any transaction actually made with the customer ( though members may not report this to UAPT ; so the note of sums involved in potential transactions which have been the subject of previous inquiries tend to be taken as indications of credit arrangements which have actually been entered in )
11 The restrictions that have been placed on development in these areas have partly secured these conservationist goals .
12 In the illustration in table 5.4 three values have been placed on time spent travelling , a frequent element in many CBA analyses .
13 Now the company is making more than 200,000 lollies a week and staff have been placed on overtime to cope with extra demand .
14 Limited financial resources have been overconcentrated on health care in the hospital sector and health professionals are generally inappropriately trained to meet the needs of the community .
15 They are descended from a common ancestress through female links only and they have been nurtured on food which derives from a common parcel of land .
16 Data have been compiled on computer about the career and demographic backgrounds of all those who have held positions of leadership in the hierarchies of the Chinese communist Party , the state administration , and the People 's Liberation Army at provincial and regional levels .
17 Animal rights activists have been bailed on condition that they do not attend any hunt meetings in England or Wales .
18 Those who 've noticed the number of times the Sedgefield MP 's cherubic opinions have been aired on television recently will little doubt it .
19 Many of them have been printed on metal , as 2 in. square daguerreotypes .
20 Although Professor Charles Thomas illustrates a number of examples of this symbol found in Britain , only two apart from those at Chedworth have been cut on stone .
21 The windsurfing concept is not limited to use on the water and in recent years windsurfing sails have been seen on land , snow and ice .
22 All patients from that practice who have been admitted to any department of Bassetlaw Hospital ( except the units of psychiatry and paediatrics , which have their own similar systems ) have been assessed on admission for their likely needs on discharge .
23 Most of her team have been trained on plastic slopes …
24 I to you dear children , because your sins have been forgiven on account of his name .
25 Other attacks have been made on meat plants in the Montreal area and on research laboratories at McGill University and the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto .
26 Checks have been made on roadside sellers throughout the area because the fruit is easily identifiable .
27 Many articles have been written on communication skills , which may assist with ideas .
28 In most cases lambs have been grazed on land fertilised with pig manure or slurry , such pasture remaining infective for lambs , even after ploughing and cropping .
29 He advises organisations to go for proven and well understood technologies to meet their basic requirements , wherever possible using architectures which are already known within the company — even if different technologies have been implemented on top .
30 In addition to this , many of the residential workshops at Highlander have been recorded on video , and make hours of fascinating viewing .
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