Example sentences of "[vb base] [conj] [vb mod] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The goal was to develop a research process that would result in systematic , accurate collection of land ownership data while facilitating maximum participation and potential for follow-up action . ’
2 A paper recently published by Jacek Baranowski et al working at the University of California , Berkeley and the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory ( Phys Rev Lett , Vol 66 no 23 ) describes a new form of gallium arsenide that will superconduct at a temperature of 10K .
3 DEC 's ten-year-old Palo Alto , California-based Western Research Lab is trying to design a single BiCMOS chip that will run at 1000MHz , 1GHz , according to the latest Microprocessor Report .
4 The accepted wisdom that bulk car manufacturers buy exclusive marques ( Chrysler and Lamborghini , et cetera in the hope of garnering reflected glory is misplaced : any benefit that might accrue to the Escort by dint of its coming from the same stable as the Virage would be heavily outweighed by the damage done to the Virage by the Escort .
5 Of course , it would be naive to claim that all gifts are made with no thought of any benefit that might accrue to the individual or his or her family at some future time , or to deny that gifts are often a reflection of gratitude for past services rendered to a member of the family or the donor him or herself .
6 Will my hon. Friend pay particular attention to the application of a company in my constituency which requires a small amount of insurance cover that could lead to tens of millions of pounds ' worth of business ?
7 Look that will happen to everybody in this room and everybody outside .
8 The cells in the progress zone all multiply and can respond to positional signals .
9 There are also times when you need to find out how much your students know or can do with language .
10 The sign in the utterance , therefore , does not function as a symbol but as an index : it indicates where we must look in the world we know or can perceive in order to discover meaning .
11 Living in the troubled times of the late fourth and early fifth centuries , St Augustine regarded the Christian era as the age of senility and decay that would lead to the seventh age when time would end , although he was careful not to forecast a definite date for this .
12 The Law Commission committee says that this principle is not good enough ; sellers should be under a legal duty to reveal everything they know and ought to know about their property — which would oblige them to carry out a survey before offering it for sale .
13 This raises the necessity of transferring what you know and will know about educational evaluation to other people in many other disciplines .
14 And this is why it will be particularly damaging to introduce the tests proposed by the Secretary of State to monitor what children know and can do at fixed ages , 7 , 11 , and 14 .
15 Hospital authorities go to tremendous trouble to give patients food they like and can cope with .
16 Whether I will be part of it will depend on the new manager Rovers are appointing next week and whether it is a man I like and could work with . ’
17 The company , a wholly-owned $3 million Virginia subsidiary of publicly held Convergent Solutions Inc , describes its NuTcracker technology as the opposite of Wind/U , the Bristol Technology Windows-on-Unix scheme that may feature in Microsoft 's moves to counter WABI .
18 here at last is a narrow twin pushchair that will go through a single doorway .
19 The objective in collecting this sort of information is to discover the patient 's usual routines ; what can and can not be done independently ; what previous coping mechanisms have been employed ; and what problems exist or may develop in relation to this AL .
20 For the purposes of this appeal , it is not necessary to take account of the implications which arise or could arise as a result of the possession order being set aside .
21 It is not easy to judge how many of the ten millions do or might belong to the prosperous aristocracy of the working classes , that section with which politicians come into contact , and from whence come those whom society is rather over-hasty to welcome as ‘ representative working men ’ …
22 I like to tell others about what I do or would do at work
23 Here , assuming managers move or can move between company types , this constraint potentially bears on all cases .
24 That takes us to Joint Planning and the part of the voluntary organisations play or should play in the process .
25 I remember we used to have an old Labrador cross that used to sleep under the kitchen table , till it finally gave up and died .
26 But organizing a world tour that will take in places like Harare , Delhi and São Paulo as well as the normal rich-world rock centres is a major feat .
27 These strategies are to a degree autonomous from the dispersion patterns within which they arise and may radiate in a number of directions .
28 What type of jobs exist and should exist in the housing field ? direct labour ? sub-contractors should the Housing Executive employ local firms to do work in West Belfast ? does the Housing Executive 's tendering policy fairly treat the local labour force ?
29 This may seem like a backward step but for those users who only have a computer system and printer this program is ideal for completing any form that will fit in your printer .
30 College or university follow and can last from 4–6 years .
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