Example sentences of "[vb base] [conj] [pers pn] would have " in BNC.

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1 The playgroup leasers support this petition and say that they would have a valuable role preparing the children for nursery education , feeling that the children at four plus need more than the s playgroup can offer .
2 Critics of the deal , which was worked out at ministerial level , say that it would have been more sensible to spend the money on rebuilding the Villahermosa Palace to be an annexe for the nearby Prado , which is urgently in need of more space , as well as the kind of modern facilities which have ‘ put the Villahermosa among the ranks of intelligent buildings and the top museums of the Nineties ’ , as the press release boasts .
3 He had his widowed mother living with him and two sisters who had to get husbands ; both Mr James and Constanza say that it would have been considered an almost monstrous act of selfishness if the prince had insisted on marrying one of the Montecativi or Roccarosa girls for their beaux yeux .
4 It would be difficult to add it in the way you suggest since it would have to be poured . ’
5 That a court should take account of such a rule would [ and should ] not mean that it would have to accept it .
6 No , M' lud , we hold that it would have an emetic , not a mimetic , effect on any reader .
7 ( Did the romanticists among you imagine that you would have been a member of the gentry if you were alive in this England of 1700 ? )
8 I consider that she would have found a job by early Autumn and therefore the sum must be more than a , nearly a year 's earnings and I assess it at eight thousand pounds .
9 The cost is not high , especially when you consider that you would have to buy glass anyway .
10 For example , the Altrincham governors could have argued that there was a safety risk in the girls wearing scarves in the laboratory or workshop — although it is by no means clear that they would have succeeded on this basis .
11 The teacher found that four could read Messrs Nelson 's Shilling Book , six the Sixpenny Book , and ten only the Threepenny Book " With the " board schools " in their infancy , it was by no means clear that it would have been possible to recruit many girls of working-class origin into the trade in the early 1870s .
12 He said forget that run as she would have won by eight lengths on good ground . ’
13 This point helps to explain why there do not appear to have been many actual dismissals for pilferage ( we assume that we would have been told if there had been an abnormally high incidence of these ) , but we would still have expected there to be some if pilferage has been common , particularly since store security is not under Fred 's control .
14 We assume that he would have been informed of this during his briefing at Eighth Army , and obviously it was no less important for Macmillan to brief Keightley than for him to brief Harding .
15 Again we assume that she would have young children , children who would normally be expected to be living with her .
16 Er well we would we would record them and and that would be it you know but we would have a fair idea when we 'd be recording the album like that you know there 's always be a place in a Foster and Allen programme for a Beautiful Dreamer so if you get a sound that 's pretty close to that there 'll always be a place for a an up tempo sound that that Mick would do so you have to sort of pick ones with a good story line and a good melody and again that you can work a good video round you know .
17 I 'm a bit concerned you know , about this , just this one week 's wages you know because I would have thought once Jack got his time sheet out he would perhaps realised that
18 The wise old heads believe that they would have prevailed and that he would have been forced to wait until the spring .
19 The Martin Pipe camp believe that they would have beaten Morley Street granted a faster pace in the Elite Hurdle here last month , but I doubt it and confidently expect Toby Balding 's star to confirm his superiority on 6lb better terms .
20 If the answer is no , and here this is linked to the question of should the policy include specific guidance for the location of the settlement , and by specific guidance , it implies , should it be allocated to a particular district , then in order to do that , the panel feel that we would have to be in a position of having sufficient information to make an objective and logical decision on that .
21 If they were here , 1 am sure that they would support new clause S. The reason that they are not here is because they feel that they would have to vote for new clause 5 if they were here , so they have absented themselves from the debate .
22 I freely admit that , following that , the Government have been unwilling to introduce other proposals because they feel that they would have to be enforceable , workable and acceptable to a majority of hon. Members .
23 If it had n't been for George , Lennie would have probably lived unhappily and I doubt that he would have never received the love and care from anyone else .
24 If she 'd been forty , I doubt if it would have made any difference — to either of us . ’
25 Carey continued : ‘ I doubt if He would have been impressed by the argument that the goats had been waiting for these things to trickle down as a by-product of economic growth . ’
26 Even with England and Denmark behind him , ’ had said Thorkel Fóstri with scorn , ‘ I doubt if he would have got a levy over the Forth .
27 Blink and you would have missed me , ’ said Mrs Lamport .
28 ‘ We Americans are spoilt , ’ he said , ‘ I doubt whether we would have played in the cold and soaking conditions we had here today . ’
29 Had that policy prevailed , I doubt whether we would have had even the INF treaty .
30 Or he could have gone to the lavatory , but I doubt whether he would have heard anything from there . ’
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