Example sentences of "[vb base] [conj] [pers pn] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I suggest that we substitute for this what might be called a ‘ relative autonomy ’ rule .
2 it does that I suggest that we look at it again tomorrow .
3 Is there not some hypocrisy when the Opposition talk of problems of unemployment and housing , yet suggest that we add to them — — by advocating an open-door immigration policy that will mean more people coming to our constituencies and competing for homes and jobs ?
4 In fact there is no reason to believe that the Franks were involved in any long-distance migration : archaeology and history suggest that they originated in the lands immediately to the east of the Rhine .
5 If you wish to visit this as an individual , I suggest that you write in advance of your visit .
6 Some advisers suggest that you look to past precedents within the company ; others recommend that you gear your expectations to the financial sum that you expect to require in order to exist in reasonable comfort until another job comes along ; others simply suggest that you look for payment of a year 's full salary .
7 Some advisers suggest that you look to past precedents within the company ; others recommend that you gear your expectations to the financial sum that you expect to require in order to exist in reasonable comfort until another job comes along ; others simply suggest that you look for payment of a year 's full salary .
8 Remember — it 's always worth turning up even for the most popular events , but we suggest that you check with the Box Office on availability first .
9 I CAN understand your apprehensions and I suggest that you talk to a Relate marriage guidance counsellor about your problem .
10 Again , it is a matter of personal preference whether you prepare the bud or rootstock stem first , but until you have had some practice and know just what is involved , I suggest that you start with the bud .
11 I suggest that he waits for the consultation paper and I think that he will then be reassured .
12 If she wants to find her relatives , I suggest that she looks in the villages .
13 In some ways people in London ( flower of cities all , as a Scots poet put it long ago ) , both men and women , have more freedom to live as they want than they have in most other cities .
14 by the er Trading Association , it seems to me to be quite a sensible charter , and er I propose that we write to the Association saying this is very good and can we get it
15 Most readers report that they infer from ( 9 ) that John is a schoolboy , among other things .
16 The INSTALL LIST command that you executed at the beginning of Appendix D will show you whether they are installed OPEN and SHARED .
17 After the war he also confessed to me that his eyesight was very bad and he would not have passed any normal eye test that we used in the RAF , hut he did have contact lenses .
18 Only slowly did the various industries realise that they had to better the ‘ lot ’ of their workers and reduce the occupational risk .
19 I realise that they looked for a family atmosphere , but is imposing this solution in such an arbitrary way really in the best interests of the game ?
20 ‘ I realise that I come into the picture as a relative , and I do feel natural interest and concern for my great-uncle .
21 The feelings of the young hon. Member for Gedling ( Mr. Mitchell ) about the way in which local government has broken up were expressed subjectively and I suspect that he will not agree with me when I say that they seemed to date from about 1979 — and we know what happened in 1979 when the hon. Member for Finchley ( Mrs. Thatcher ) was first elected .
22 Three out of four PMT sufferers say that they overspend in the days before their period starts — the average ‘ blown ’ is £39 — and some women spend more than £100 , premenstrually , on unnecessary extras .
23 This analysis raises the same question addressed in the previous section : if the speaker wanted the hearer to recover these effects , why did n't he or she simply say that they sprinted up the hill ?
24 Of course , you are likely to get some people who say that they thought of it first .
25 Those who say that they believe in God and yet neither love nor fear him , do not in fact believe in him but in those who have taught them that God exists .
26 Some people say that they believe in the Devil but not in demons .
27 The Government say that they believe in open government .
28 ‘ People say that you get over it , but you do n't , not really , not properly . ’
29 The interviews were around a series of suggested topics : ‘ The say that you have in decisions which affect young disabled people 's education and lives , and what limits the say that you have ’ ; ‘ The say that others have ’ ; ‘ The say that young people themselves have ’ ; ‘ The implications of ‘ disability ’ on the decision-making that determines young people 's education and lives ’ ; and ‘ What you see as the main priorities in terms of who has what say and in working with others in future decisions . ’
30 When she asks , you must on no account say that it went into the sea , because she will worry that it is a curse on you — or me as well , for it was given to me at my baptism .
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