Example sentences of "[vb base] [conj] [noun sg] of the " in BNC.

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1 Fear or dislike of the police was way down the list , at 6 per cent .
2 A French Pinnacle unit — standalone or subsidiary of the UK outfit — should be up and running soon with three staff .
3 It may denote ( i ) the external groove or sulcus corresponding to an internal ridge-like inflection of the cuticle which provides mechanical rigidity , or ( ii ) a line of thinner , weaker cuticle along which rupture or bending of the integument can occur at ecdysis , or ( iii ) a narrow , flexible , membranous zone of unsclerotized cuticle , or ( iv ) a linear impression without any obvious mechanical significance .
4 These results suggest that knowledge of the overall theme of a passage is useful only if it is available at the time the passage is read or heard .
5 Butler and Stokes ' surveys even suggest that part of the electoral swing to the Tories was for no more substantial a reason than the belief among some electors in the ‘ circulation of the parties ’ , i.e. the sentiment that ‘ it 's time the other party had a go ’ .
6 They suggest that engorgement of the lymph nodes with fluid evokes frequency stabilisation .
7 Recent studies on extensional flow suggest that measurement of the viscosity in such flows may contain information on the molecular weight distribution not easily obtained by other means .
8 Some say that ignorance of the law is no excuse , since any man can say that he did not know , and gain exception thereby .
9 Commission officials say that implementation of the banking directive can not be delayed until the others too are ready to go into effect .
10 The floor was one huge mound of twitching corpses , over which rank after rank of the creatures advanced .
11 Both Judge Holland and Charles Cole , Alaska 's attorney-general , insist that rejection of the criminal fine need not affect the larger civil settlement .
12 As Massey and Meegan ( 1982 ) have argued , relocation away from intense class struggle is just one option facing employers ; they also contend that consideration of the various options is most likely in periods of recession when profitability is low and some form of restructuring crucial , and that relocation may then be part of a composite strategy involving restructuring of the labour process .
13 However , many people in Thurrock fear that construction of the rail line will further blight the area .
14 None of these species is in good shape , and North American conservationists fear that acceptance of the proposals could mean a dramatic increase in the numbers taken by hunters and trappers .
15 INVESTORS who fear that membership of the European Monetary System will not prevent a resurgence of inflation in coming years should examine the virtues of index-linked gilts .
16 act or omission of the trader , his employees or agents
17 Founder of one of the most successful fashion houses in Paris , he is also founder and President of the Syndicate of Designers and Creators of Ready-to-Wear which brought haute couture into the open market place , particularly in America .
18 The popularity of these programmes among the section police in Easton is both cause and effect of the evaluations they make of their work .
19 An ideology of peace is thus both cause and effect of the Buid 's situation in a larger regional system ( Gibson , in press ) .
20 The renunciation of any attempt to tax was at once cause and symptom of the state 's demise .
21 Decline and Fall of the ‘ British Way of Life ’
22 When Todd refers to the party as " a cosy totalitarian institution " , when he remarks that " fear and dread of the reality of the world imprison communist militants far more than the statutes " , he doubtless overstates his case .
23 In case D both partner and rest of the world shares have risen therefore it can not be claimed that the effects of integration have been to reduce dependence upon non-partner countries .
24 The left side is a highly sophisticated computer which , under deep hypnosis , would give you the data registered five years ago recording the number , make and colour of the car which was standing outside your home at the time .
25 The colour , make and model of the vehicle involved .
26 I suspect that part of the problem is that councils have an allocation of resources and the Department of Transport has helped by providing extra resources .
27 The main causes in older people are muscular spasms of the lumbar region ( lower back ) and wear and tear of the vertebrae themselves .
28 wear and tear of the job , you see , it 's not a woman 's job really .
29 The extent of consideration should match the nature of the hazard and the extend and uncertainty of the risk and the measures necessary to avert it .
30 But the absence of conclusive evidence on the extend and nature of the problem has unfortunately led to a mixed government response .
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