Example sentences of "[vb base] [conj] [noun sg] with the " in BNC.

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1 It 's possible to give ‘ tired ’ curls lift and definition with the right styling products .
2 Continental observers see it as significant that Britain will take the EC helm when disillusionment with the goals of a federalist Europe is sweeping voters in some countries seen as most pro-European .
3 If the parents of a mentally handicapped child immediately reject the child on realising that it is handicapped , or find that life with the child is so difficult that they feel unable to cope , it falls upon the state to find an alternative place of residence , in particular on local authorities .
4 It is a case of dramatic irony when we as readers recognize and share with the fabliau author a knowledge of the " realities " of the fictitious situation denied to the merchant of Orléans and may laugh at the merchant 's misguided belief as a result .
5 In recent times , Rory 's worked as drummer with Boys Wonder and roadie with the Manics and Black Box , among other things , while I 've got my own record company these days .
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