Example sentences of "[vb base] [conj] [adv] [verb] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , one of the hallmarks of a living party system is that the parties develop or even modify their positions over time , as they seek to adapt to changing political circumstances .
2 The database has been used by one group of learning support pupils who have used the printouts not only to find the books they want but also to organize their projects , using the questions as section headings .
3 People who smoke or otherwise abuse their bodies choose to do so and drain millions from the NHS budget .
4 For example , it is possible for doctors to monitor how well you are , so that if your health deteriorates to a point at which you may be at risk from infections like PCP ( a virulent pneumonia ) , drugs can be prescribed which prevent or significantly delay their onset .
5 If I had found the cramped interior of the U-boat at Kiel oppressive , it was nothing to the claustrophobia I felt inside the midget submarine , and I marvelled again at the courage and calm that had enabled Place and his crew to live a daily life in such surroundings , far less undertake and brilliantly accomplish their mission .
6 Postmodern discourses both install and then contest our traditional guarantees of knowledge , by revealing their gaps or circularities .
7 But since none of that applies to you , you will know what I mean and probably share my fondness for Munro window-shopping .
8 Since the 1950s there has been a fifth column of British writers who demonstrate and often acknowledge their admiration for French writing , Alain Robbe-Grillet and the nouveau roman in particular .
9 In their lives they could both validate , renew and thus extend its significance , for it was understood as the Incarnation of meaning , of that Word which informs the partiality of all words .
10 As as I said we 're we 're not very formal but er you know that also has its especially if people that er maybe erm , how can I put it , are not used t taking everything back to a meeting and you know they maybe make a decision and go ahead with it and then it gets shouted at a bit but I think we we can all take being shouted at a bit as well .
11 You know that really hurts my ears when you do that .
12 Even I was terrified the first time it happened , when Art rolled over to our table , gave Tod a kind of rabbit punch that almost broke his neck , and said , incredibly loudly ,
13 Kneel on all fours , back straight and look forward as you lift and then lower your right leg , knee bent , out to the side .
14 Always young women , they recline and modestly turn their faces into their arms which are raised around their heads , so that their graceful , elongated bodies are presented as objects to be looked upon without the discomfort of a confronting stare back into the viewer 's gaze .
15 Now , as the chairman said we base the salaries of directors on two elements an element of base salary which looks at market levels and we ergo , have a fair base which reflects a sort of medium to upper level of companies of this size we then leverage , very carefully , a bonus scheme related to performance and I believe that is the right thing to do and I believe and so do my fellow directors who sit on that committee believe that it is one of the reasons that we 've seen the great growth in this company over the last five years which you 've achieved and which actually the Chancellor of the Exchequer would very glad about because it is increasing the wealth and the benefit of this country , particularly as a lot of those earnings are coming from overseas and will in , in time be repatriated in Britain .
16 In particular , the spokesmen of professional and professionalising occupations formulate and reflexively construct their work , just as members of those occupations accomplish profession in their day-to-day work and contact with other occupations .
17 With a sort of sick excitement inside , she washed , and dressed in a soft blue wool dress that just reached her boot tops .
18 The Ego , then , has a whole array of negative beliefs , payoffs and hidden agenda which limit or even wreck our lives , and block our attempts to programme what we want .
19 Now is the time to extend , update , renovate and generally overhaul your home .
20 It is not , Mr Zelmer stresses ‘ a one-off exercise that you do and then rub your hands and congratulate yourself ’ .
21 Chances are if you bought your racket in Britain it already had strings in it — unlike in the USA where the retailer will ask you a lot of questions about how you play and then string your new frame for you .
22 " It is for you to choose to seek professional help in the manner we recommend or alternatively terminate our relationship " .
23 And then come and then wash your own cans out , and you used to carry them all through all round the village .
24 If you would like a tiled bathroom or kitchen floor , but have been put off by having to solve the problem of tiling over a wooden floor that could flex and crack , and so shift the grouting and loosen or even split your new ceramic floor tiles , then the answer could be the new Schlüter DITRA matting , available from stockists of Homeslux Products .
25 There are only two human species left and the only bond between them is hatred : the one that crushes and the one that refuses to be crushed " when he pointedly remarked : " In a world brutally divided into those who rule and those who serve , the philosopher must finally acknowledge a long-concealed secret alliance with those who govern or else declare his solidarity with those who are governed .
26 All you have to do is gently move all your joints , several times , one after the other ; carefully stretch and then tense your muscles ; breathe deeply , but not too deeply , and invigorate your body by massaging it with your hands , someone else 's hands or a rough towel .
27 And so , he comes and to reveal to her , her sinful condition and need but also to forgive her sin .
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