Example sentences of "[vb base] [conj] [pron] be not " in BNC.

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1 It is extraordinary that even though the Government found an extra £40 million for sport in the last Budget , which is near enough double the expenditure on sport year on year , Opposition Members criticise us and suggest that we are not providing the necessary resources for sport .
2 Although Prime Ministers may from time to time use words which suggest that they are not unwilling to exercise their power of appointment , in recent times there is no direct evidence that they have done so .
3 The functional characteristics of these two strong promoters suggest that they are not optimized for a tight and stable RNA polymerase binding .
4 One would expect such issues to be handled in the training , both pre- and in-service , of all teachers , but our collective experiences and the responses received to the main LITE questionnaire suggest that they are not .
5 They may not have been popular , indeed subsequent events suggest that they were not , but they were tolerated , and there is no evidence that Edward IV 's death was followed by an attempt to dislodge them .
6 On some tickets , notably the First Class to intermediate stations and the Plowden ‘ Golf ’ returns , numbers suggest that they were not even worth printing !
7 They may not have been popular , indeed subsequent events suggest that they were not , but they were tolerated , and there is no evidence that Edward IV 's death was followed by an attempt to dislodge them .
8 Friedman and Rosenman ( 1974 ) suggest that it is not a question of getting rid of Type-A behaviour , rather that we should learn to manage it .
9 In fact , however , international comparisons strongly suggest that it is not the most downtrodden and deprived who provide the most militant source of protest .
10 This growth in women 's propensity to take paid work probably has both economic and social origins , but our analyses of fertility suggest that it is not an important explanatory factor in the ‘ baby bust ’ .
11 ‘ I suggest that it is not a matter which a man wishes his employer to know about . ’
12 Summala ( 1984 ) , however , suggest that it is not the detection of signs but memory for them which is likely to be faulty .
13 The figures in Table 7 suggest that there is not a great deal of difference in the use of educational facilities by one and two parent families ; lone parents make more use of day nurseries and two parents of play groups .
14 They propose that it is not , in fact , inherently dysfunctional and should be valued as something positive and authentic : different , not inferior .
15 Voice of Lebanon radio reported on June 24 that Gen. Aoun had told Scheer that he was not demanding amendments to the accord , but simply a reconsideration of some of its provisions .
16 Such distinctions are valuable only , I believe , once we realise that they are not alternative , but , rather , mutually supportive .
17 Let me quote again from the report so that people realise that I am not making this up .
18 I have n't had a period for over a year , and although sometimes I think to myself ‘ I 'm all right really ’ , then I remember I have n't got my periods back and I realise that it 's not as simple as it seems .
19 When will ordinary people realise that it 's not just god bands that put out records .
20 I realise that it 's not only an illness , I suppose , but it 's quite selfish in a way .
21 We want to look at stress now , and realise that it is not all negative , in fact some people actually go out and seek a fair amount of stress .
22 You should be able to forgive yourself once you realise that you are not expected to be perfect ; indeed , if you were , you would not need to be here at all — your spirit would be continuing its learning process somewhere else .
23 That is always the knee-jerk reaction of Opposition Members , who say that we are not spending enough money , without saying precisely how they would improve situations such as this .
24 American negotiators say that they are not even talking the same language as the Community on farm support .
25 In Newham , there are 519 young people without a job ; 58 say that they are not interested , so that means that 451 are seeking a YT place .
26 Say that they 're not part of the job that the receptionist gets paid primarily with these .
27 ‘ I still say that you 're not indispensable .
28 say that you 're not allowed to , to run those because they 'd be contrary to the directive , but er we 'd have to wait and see
29 I must be absolutely honest though and say that it 's not always going to be easy to try to live for Jesus at school .
30 I go down and say that it 's not good enough .
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