Example sentences of "[vb base] [conj] [pron] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 Is there not some hypocrisy when the Opposition talk of problems of unemployment and housing , yet suggest that we add to them — — by advocating an open-door immigration policy that will mean more people coming to our constituencies and competing for homes and jobs ?
2 Some advisers suggest that you look to past precedents within the company ; others recommend that you gear your expectations to the financial sum that you expect to require in order to exist in reasonable comfort until another job comes along ; others simply suggest that you look for payment of a year 's full salary .
3 I CAN understand your apprehensions and I suggest that you talk to a Relate marriage guidance counsellor about your problem .
4 by the er Trading Association , it seems to me to be quite a sensible charter , and er I propose that we write to the Association saying this is very good and can we get it
5 Only slowly did the various industries realise that they had to better the ‘ lot ’ of their workers and reduce the occupational risk .
6 The feelings of the young hon. Member for Gedling ( Mr. Mitchell ) about the way in which local government has broken up were expressed subjectively and I suspect that he will not agree with me when I say that they seemed to date from about 1979 — and we know what happened in 1979 when the hon. Member for Finchley ( Mrs. Thatcher ) was first elected .
7 Added Keegan : ‘ They say that everything comes to those who wait .
8 Only a quarter say that it led to in-service training and a fifth think that it improved staff relations and improved teaching methods .
9 and I , I told him I was n't stupid enough to keep money in the house as an ex er as an ex lawyer and erm , where , er it so happened as I say that I talked to he , he did n't take any thing in fact at the end he apologise for having chosen the wrong house and he
10 We must face the issue seriously and not in the way in which the Prime Minister faced the issue at Harare when he said that he would write off some of the debts in return for the acceptance of an economic model imposed by the International Monetary Fund , and say that there has to be a write-off of debt .
11 cry if I want to .
12 So say if we have to we have to .
13 They say if they stuck to Government guidelines , it would mean teaching cuts , library closures and redundancies .
14 and as you say if you go to college , but as I 've said to Penny you know you want to try and find out if there are any courses that are going , if you want to get back
15 So say if I said to you , well if and I said to you , Well what could I do ?
16 What where are you I 've missed that actually the the quite interesting just to briefly ask you about th erm When we s when I saw you last time , you were telling me something about actually erm a bit about yourself how what kind of person actually saying , you know , personality , what kind of things Wh how would you actually describe yourself ? say if I said to you , Erm what kind of person are you ?
17 Should I lay them on the doorstep and vamoose before she responded to the bell ?
18 Once you have a few names , ask for estimates , but be sure to explain exactly what you want when it comes to details not included on the plans , such as the pattern of Artex on the ceiling , or the style of the doors , or perhaps you 'd like hardwood stairs .
19 One teacher who gives teenagers what they want when it comes to sex talk is headmaster Michael Marland , a leading author and authority on sex education in schools .
20 Yeah mm a bit like I say when I went to that dentist surgery at er Leicester
21 It sounds pathetic but I 'm also still quite awestruck when I talk to famous people . ’
22 It sounds pathetic but I 'm also still quite awestruck when I talk to famous people . ’
23 ‘ Listen , ’ I say as I creak to my feet , ‘ can I help with the washing up or something ? ’
24 I tell you what though , if you , like , I , I never forget when we went to Austria and you went into like a delicatessen place and this place was about a quarter of a mile long , right , never seen so many different looking place with sausages
25 Nu a number of other well known toxins , strychnine and er local anaesthetics which you encounter when you go to your dentists , procaine and lidocaine , both of those block sodium channels , so they inhibit the action potentials coming from sodium channels .
26 The prince went all a-flutter as he climbed to a memorial tower on Scolty Hill in Banchory , Grampian .
27 A crumb of chocolate stuck to her lip , where Coffin watched it slowly melt as he spoke to her .
28 He probably knows and can recommend the specialists concerned , but insist that you talk to them first and that any reports are addressed to you ( though copied to the solicitor ) .
29 ‘ Umar Abu Shanab was allegedly tortured while in detention and his relatives fear that he continues to be tortured or ill-treated .
30 they do n't want to have some er official or or some management consultant who 's eager to get a job and get extra money paid for him by a dumb government department , if those people are going to tell us what sort of people we want on that on police authorities , I think it is total insolence and I trust that whatever happens to this Bill that that answer that was given on the 17th of January is removed and replaced by something else , if it has to be replaced at all .
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