Example sentences of "[vb base] [conj] [noun] [vb mod] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 And they suggest that improvements might well be achieved by taking these factors into consideration in the process of specification , design , construction , installation , commissioning and maintenance of buildings and their services .
2 Several recent studies , including the OECD 's latest report on the French economy , suggest that France may actually import too little .
3 Nevertheless , the findings suggest that smoking may seriously reduce the chances of pregnancy after IVF- ET .
4 ‘ So far comments from Com Tech and MUA suggest that SCO will still be sold by both companies , but neither tried to shy away from the fact that their decisions will hurt SCO .
5 All the signs suggest that Christie can now reign in Spain — and burst from his blocks at 8 o'clock tonight to become the man who steps into Lewis ’ golden shoes .
6 It may affect very young people and they may lose all their hair , and I have at least two patients with miocencia who are bald in this way , and this type of baldness is believed to be auto-immune , so I think that one could , perhaps , jokingly suggest that Samson may also have had alopecia and it was n't Delila who cut off his hair , but his auto-antibodies that destroyed the hair making process , and all that makes poor Delila something of a victim of history and perhaps we should be springing to her defence .
7 I suggest that people will most likely stare at him anyway .
8 Recent reports suggest that EFA may now be running more than 50% over budget .
9 The guidelines say that embryos may only be frozen and stored if they are to be used for in vitro fertilisation later on .
10 The guidelines say that doctors should seriously consider requests from patients with incurable diseases who ask for their lives to be ended .
11 Erm , funnily enough earlier on in August , erm , I rang you up about Yugoslavia , and er , I , one of the reasons that I gave for not , the Europeans , not intervening in Yugoslavia was my fear that it might lead to the Russian military unseating Gorbachev and my , er , discard that the , the sick man of Russia , so erm , sort of parallel I , well I would n't parallel it with Yugoslavia , my argument in Yugoslavia was that we should n't intervene because we do not have primary interests with , I mean , well we clearly have general interest but we do n't have primary interest , additionally in Russia is that everybody , in the world have interest but I would definitely here say that Britain should clearly do nothing per .
12 Both OSF and USL will also get royalties : 5,000 copies of the DCE Executive will net OSF $75 a copy and USL $15 .
13 ‘ Th'mind what I say and th 'll doubtless find there 's no better place than Jarman House . ’
14 Lieutenants Makepeace and Harvey would always be his duty officers , thought Charlie as he made his way back across the parade ground in the direction of the company offices .
15 All the best books on cat care insist that cats should always have access to fresh , clean water and that the water should be changed regularly .
16 I do not believe that it would be right to reverse this long line of authority and declare that certiorari should now lie to reverse the decision of a visitor on a question of law .
17 They fear that bankers may now reckon to get a better return by selling off firms ' assets quickly than by keeping debtors alive .
18 A plethora of organic molecules does not , of course , mean that life will inevitably emerge , but it does increase the probability .
19 The technical accomplishments of modern medicine mean that doctors can often save the life of someone who in previous ages would have died .
20 The new drugs mean that treatment can now be offered to patients suffering from different types of the disease .
21 The new drugs mean that treatment can now be offered to patients suffering from different types of the disease .
22 ‘ You mean that Araminta will no longer be living here ? ’ cried Theda joyfully .
23 The not altogether clear provisions regarding audit , finality and certainty mean that adjustments could well take place long after a partner has left a firm .
24 None of these trends in social and economic structure and party identification mean that Labour can never win again , nor that the Conservatives are sure to win .
25 The results presented above show that bleomycin can efficiently cleave DNA at sites other than GY , especially at ApT .
26 It is at grass roots level that teachers can best foster the development of existing good practice , identify specific professional needs , challenge their own attitudes , assumptions and values and analyse their practice .
27 Mr Andrei Nechayev , Economics Minister , said : ‘ We hope that parliament will no longer interfere in the government 's day-to-day activities . ’
28 When Midshipman Jack Rogers , trying to identify a distant ship , hopes it may be a Frenchman and declares ‘ the French will never like the English till they have taught us to eat frogs , and have thrashed us on a second field of Waterloo , and I hope that time may never come ’ , his friend Alick Murray defends French courage in war and laughs at Jack 's belligerence .
29 But it was no use bemoaning her fate — she must make the best of it and hope that time would eventually heal the biggest wound she had ever experienced .
30 When the Labour Party agreed to join Lloyd George 's ‘ knock-out blow ’ Coalition in December 1916 , many socialists and pacifists abandoned hope that Labour would ever recover its independent political identity .
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