Example sentences of "[vb base] [adv] been [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I 'ave n't been back to Tyler 's 'ard from that day to this — I could n't bear to .
2 After so many attempts , that day could not have been more rewarding , and I 've since been back at its summit twice .
3 ‘ I do n't dislike it , but I 've only been out with Charles about three times … ’
4 I 've only been out of prison three months .
5 I 've only been back on the case , in cosmic terms , about two-and-a-half minutes .
6 ‘ But I 've only been down to the banister to pick up my coat . ’
7 Having worked for a number of years now in community health services , previously erm in Yorkshire , in fact I 've only been down in Oxford about four or five months , I 've learnt how important it is in fact to make good working contacts with members and officers of other organizations , and particularly of local authority organizations .
8 ‘ I 've just been on to Mallachy .
9 And that 's er that 's a process that we 've just been through with the Harrogate and Knaresborough local plan .
10 I 've just been up to Tesco 's .
11 I 've just been up to the Wembley exhibition of word processor , and one of the things I noticed there was the increasing number of processors and packages which I think you would describe as friendly or at least semi-friendly to , to help people .
12 ‘ I 've just been down to the market .
13 Hiya yeah yeah oh yeah I 've just been down to oh we 've only just got in
14 I 've just been down to the grubber .
15 I 've already been up at your
16 I 've already been out among the galaxies . ’
17 You 've not been on for a while have you ?
18 Good you 've not been on for a while either have you ?
19 We have still not been given any kind of direct word , we 've not been back in direct communication with them .
20 What if I tell you you 've not been out of my mind since last evening ? ’
21 Provided they 've not been out of the job all that long , I think , cos things change , do n't they ?
22 ‘ On my fourteenth birthday — you 've always been around at the most important moments in my life , Harry . ’
23 ‘ I mean I 've always been out of sorts , I 've always felt like this — oh , you know — almost as long as I can remember . ’
24 tonight and then I 'm on me raffle next week , but after next , I mean I can stop in the next , I mean I was , I 've never been out since a week on Tuesday cos I was n't on the raffle Friday
25 I 've never been out of work and I do n't want to be .
26 ‘ Oh no , ’ said Robert , ‘ I 've never been out of Wimbledon ! ’
27 I ca n't fall in love with you again because I 've never been out of love with you ! ’
28 I 've realized that I 've never been out of love .
29 My mother used to say to me , ‘ Beryl you 've never been out by yourself again have you ? ’
30 I 've never been in on a Friday afternoon because erm
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