Example sentences of "[vb base] [adv] be [adj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Aid workers in Somalia say today 's American led assault on the capital Mogadishou which left around seventy dead and two hundred injured , is unforgivable .
2 Aid workers in Somalia say today 's American led assault on the capital Mogadishou which left around seventy dead and two hundred injured , is unforgivable .
3 and aid workers in Somalia say today 's American led assault on the capital Mogadishou which left around seventy dead and two hundred injured is unforgivable .
4 I just hate not being able to put my finger on a map and say ‘ I 'm there . ’ ’
5 You hate being an underdog , you hate not being able to express yourself properly .
6 Terror terror terror — I hate hate hate dreams — no I do n't , I hate hate hate not being able to write them down .
7 I regret not being able to deal with the subject of community care policy as extensively as its importance deserves , although there is a general discussion in Chapter 3 .
8 I have been constantly told what a fine man he was and I regret not being able to experience and appreciate his qualities first-hand as I have grown from a child to an adult .
9 This can actually produce those distressing occasions when , for example , a husband and wife are sitting there looking at each other , the dying one trying very hard to get on and die because they understand everyone is waiting for them to do so , and the survivor trapped with their feelings of guilt about wishing their relative would die , whilst at the same time not being able to leave the person 's side in case they miss the moment .
10 People whose footballing loyalties lie elsewhere are welcome to join if they wish , but they should be prepared to accept forthright biased Leeds talk : it is , after all , a Leeds list .
11 ‘ I like not being able to breathe . ’
12 Like not being able to sneeze on the cheese .
13 More will suffer basic disabilities like not being able to walk or bath on their own .
14 I remember not being able to stand outside a phone kiosk any longer and dragging out a man who was obviously gossiping therein .
15 I remember not being able to face certain people for months afterwards .
16 Lose weight or inches : Exercise alone is unlikely to bring about a great weight loss — in fact you would have to run about two miles to use up 200 calories .
17 Each fence should be studied , but not over-analysed otherwise they end up being impossible to jump !
18 The most surprising thing is if somebody turns round and asks you , like they did last year , ‘ Why is the sky blue ? ’ and a thing a lot of people do n't even think of , you end up being able to explain — I think that 's the appeal of it .
19 Perhaps ‘ persuasive ’ is the best note to end on : if you end up being able to write a report which analyses the problem convincingly and persuades your superiors to let you try to solve it your way , then our objective will have been achieved !
20 Bultmann too was happy to describe theology as ‘ faith seeking understanding ’ ; but what he meant by this was faith 's self -understanding , an understanding having to do with self-awareness and self-knowledge , subjective rather than objective .
21 Interestingly , the next flip is rather overdue , so do not be surprised to wake up tomorrow and find that your compass is n't working properly !
22 Black & Decker was guarded in its response to the question of a successor to this d-i-y workhorse , but do not be surprised to see a new model fairly soon …
23 When the question quotes a statement and asks for a discussion of it , do not be afraid to criticise the statement if you think it is open to criticism .
24 So do not be afraid to hold on to impressions that logically seem to cancel one another out .
25 Do not be afraid to ask questions , particularly , perhaps , questions as to why things are done in the way they are — though you should for a long time be very restrained in any suggestions you make for improvement .
26 Do not be afraid to ask a selection of bureau to quote for a job , even to output a sample page .
27 Do not be afraid to ask questions about the sort of training you will receive .
28 Do not be afraid to ask ‘ silly ’ questions and do n't buy computer power until you need it .
29 Do not eat mindlessly , do not eat unless you are properly hungry , and do not be afraid to leave food once you are full .
30 Do not be afraid to leave something out if it does not fit !
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