Example sentences of "[vb base] [adv] [prep] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Sit down with me on this bench , Jane .
2 ( We actually sit down with you at home and work out the design together . )
3 The teenage snakes tumble , somersault and skid down after him like over-zealous baby ducks in ardent pursuit of a mother figure .
4 And what we would do in those circumstances sir is if the late objections er the objections or representations that were to arrive er up to let us say five o'clock tomorrow , we would er deal with and then send on to you with copies to the objector of course .
5 So are gilts , especially if you nip in to them before the next — perhaps imminent — interest rate cut .
6 Er , we report annually to you on our stewardship of the Options and the Horizon Agencies .
7 If we if we home in on something like that two eight three thousand then we 're going to be earn earning that much for ourselves .
8 This emerged as the Butt Report and was immediately rejected out of hand by the incumbent Commander-in-Chief , Bomber Command , but not so by the Army and Navy to whom the report had been leaked and who were bent on carving Bomber Command up between them for their desperate needs in the Western Approaches and in the war in the desert .
9 Now hear this : I will take provisions only if you take me to Elaine and provide both of us with the things I ask for . ’
10 In addition they provide compensation water into the burns and rivers ensuring a continual supply to those users who tap straight into them for their supply , eg. industrial users along the Water of Leith .
11 Like a mugger you leap out at me from the dark , and my rights as a woman are violated by your obscene masculinity !
12 The pair looked like every motorist 's bad news — the guys who leap out at you at the lights and demand money for wiping a dirty rag over your windscreen .
13 While going through the worst of the tantrum season , keep in mind that most children grow out of them by the time they 're three — this thought will help you to cope when you just feel like hiding !
14 Also , Lord God , we ask that you remember the dark deeds of any communistic so-called-interrogators , in this time of great upheaval in eastern Europe ; we know that you will not forget their crimes when their day of reckoning comes , and their guttural , Slavic voices cry out to ye for mercy , and ye reward them with all the compassion they ever showed to those unfortunate souls delivered unto them .
15 He could borrow enough to buy an asset in the cash market , hold on to it for T years ( earning any income but bearing any carrying costs including interest on borrowed funds involved ) , and then sell it in the cash market and also repay the loan with interest .
16 Would she scream insults , or perhaps cling on to him for grim death and beg for another chance ?
17 ‘ Over the years , too many players have felt let down by him through his strong allegiance to the manager — it is a stigma that will not go away .
18 We also reveal much about ourselves by the way we dress and by our hair styles .
19 Put together by him for his own interest .
20 Shoe-buckles , harness fragments and tunic buttons spread outwards from them for many yards when the gradients become steep , marking places where panting packmen and their contemporaries sought easier paths up the slopes .
21 ‘ It shows our commitment to quality and reflects well on the efforts put in by everyone in the business . ’
22 Remember what I did there I got three themes and for each one I got three subthemes so that what you put over to them to the audience are those three themes .
23 I measure sixty paces along the wall and then walk away from it to the nearest tree .
24 ‘ I have a Matchbox racing set I had bought and put away for him for that coming Christmas , but he never got to see it .
25 The bodyguard drove , cut off from them by a sliding glass panel .
26 If you must get into a dilemma then charge further into it in an attempt to gain control of your destiny once again .
27 ‘ When strangers walk up to you in the street and scream abuse , it hurts , ’ he said .
28 Yeah well do that and put up with it till then , and then just see how it goes .
29 Owners , Tremayne had said , either loved or hated Sam 's manner : the women loved it , the men put up with it in exchange for winners .
30 Why do people put up with anything from .
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