Example sentences of "[vb base] [adv] [prep] [noun] as " in BNC.

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1 I mean to move on silently escaping , but I crash straight into a trolley , pushed by a bloke looking like one of the heavyweights in a James Bond film , so I leap away at speed as he snarls after me and knock over a pile of bean tins .
2 Damian 's voice rose in fury as he strode to them , reached them and pushed Tony away from Rachel with a violence that made her cry out in horror as Tony stumbled backwards .
3 In our concern to manage the lives of others and our intention to do this in the best interests of all , we can too often simply define those who cry out in despair as moaners , as ‘ deviants ’ , ‘ defectives ’ , or as the lazy ones who have n't played the game in the way they should .
4 At higher temperatures ( ca 500°C ) the linewidths and peaks change , which they put down to disorder as some zinc enters the copper particles to form a dilute brass .
5 arranging fashion show here in Edinburgh as pre-run for May .
6 However , bargaining structures may also be compared at the disaggregated industry or workplace levels which vary greatly within countries as well as between them .
7 But they pop down to London as though it 's down into town but They 're quite near the motorway so it 's useful .
8 At least 13 protesters were killed , most of them run over by tanks as they stood in a human cordon trying to defend the building , and 230 were injured ; a soldier also died , shot by one of his own men .
9 Out of this maelstrom we can select only a few thinkers and those ideas which stand out in retrospect as marking out the major developments and as setting the scene for more recent times .
10 and connect up with rails as well as .
11 To everyone else on the list , I 'd ask that we ignore this provocation and get on with business as usual .
12 on point more adequately made by the deputy about C O two emission , are there any other comments that people want to make , or are you agreed that we refer back to council as it is ?
13 Perhaps people 's minds get hard like rock as they get older .
14 But if we are to preserve the creatures that rely directly upon water as their medium , technique and science alone are not enough .
15 What do the friends and relatives of the crew feel back on earth as they await news ?
16 ‘ You go in for blackmail as well , Private Nobody ? ’
17 IT WAS all cisterns go yesterday for firemen as two-year-old Sam Britton-Gant took his potty training a little bit too far .
18 There is also the danger that small , local agreements spin out of control as trade imbalances grow among their signatories .
19 These become almost like rituals as the cat grows older — little routines that reward the animal because they involve it in a social interaction with its owners or their guests .
20 No simple statement can be made summarizing typical differences in GNP between the country groups in figure 11.3 , for example , because they differ systematically in spread as well as in level .
21 Tears may start with howls of anger , then subside to sobs which seek attention for distress , and finally dry up in fear as we face our helplessness .
22 And that she , you know her , her , since she 's taken on this special needs and I think before with Colette as well , that this special needs role has really mushroomed .
23 Some , at least , of this confusion and inconsistency arise out of misunderstanding as to what is meant by Wages for Housework , so before proceeding any further I propose to change the term in order to indicate ( a ) that I am not spokeswoman for , nor even in complete agreement with , the campaign of that name ; ( b ) that I do not propose to be sidetracked into an interesting discussion of the precise scientific definition of ‘ wage ’ ; what I am talking about is cash , money , pound notes , that to which a housewife is not entitled , that to which she should be ; and ( c ) that there is housework and housework .
24 St Ives swore he distinctly heard the strains of Come Back to Sorrento as he came round the bend of the stairs .
25 These fall back to earth as soft , squishy pancakes which pile up closely round the vent , soon enclosing it in a kind of chimney or hornito .
26 Most corporate acquisitions achieve little for society as whole and tend to worsen economic ills in the older cities .
27 We learn more about Tamburlaine as we get deeper into the play , and Marlowe carefully disguises the fact that there is more to Tamburlaine than meets the eye .
28 Check carefully for leaks as the cistern is filled and adjust the float arm so the water level is 50mm below the overflow level .
29 Log back into LIFESPAN as QA APPROVER , read the mail ( telling QA APPROVER to approve the package ) and prepare the package for approval , using Option 1.5.2 .
30 As a Taurean , you work well with others as long as it is you who calls the shots .
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