Example sentences of "[vb base] [pron] 'll [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Well I mean I 'll check now if you want
2 Right that 's , that 's , that 's lovely Ian anyway thanks very much for seeing me this evening erm well as I say I 'll go away and prepare some figures and then I 'll , I 'll see you what , what say Wednesday next week ?
3 I mean we have to work very hard in our own er relationship we 've had our ups and downs we 've gone through many difficult times like unemployment and even homelessness and you know we we 've gone through it but when you make your promises you say you 'll stay together for richer for poorer in sickness and in health and so on .
4 ‘ A bit raunchy for a family newspaper , ’ he said , ‘ but I expect we 'll manage somehow . ’
5 The leaders say they 'll decide exactly where to send their mission during informal discussions this weekend .
6 ‘ They say they 'll know more in the morning , ’ Paul says .
7 But Thamesdown Council say it 'll cost too much to put up gates and fences to keep the dogs out and it ca n't afford to pay the legal cost of bringing in a by law .
8 I just hope I 'll do half as well on stage tonight . ’
9 I hope I 'll do so , but I must confess that I tend to go and make a pot of tea whenever election coverage starts on the TV .
10 Unless , of course , you imagine you 'll live forever . ’
11 Going on the Cinema 's maxim about what you imagine you 'll see often being more frightening than what you actually do see , the production team on ‘ The Daleks ’ chose wisely not to show the mutants inside the casings , save by suggestion and the odd teaser .
12 They are ‘ performatives ’ , not statements like ‘ I like Auntie Kate ’ and ‘ I hope she 'll come again ‘ .
13 Having explained this , I hope you 'll think again before storming in to see your son 's headmaster .
14 And when you feel able to work again I hope you 'll return here . ’
15 ‘ I hope you 'll do better when I 'm in trouble . ’
16 I hope we 'll meet again . ’
17 I hope we 'll meet again some time . ’
18 I hope we 'll stay here .
19 Yes , I can probably give you a brief answer , because er , in that you 've raised a whole host of other things , erm , which erm , er , we need to , we need to think about and , and debate , and I hope we 'll have further occasions to do so .
20 I hope it 'll crash less often than the index .
21 I mean you 'll spend just what you wan na spend in Spain , I mean like we , the night , when we went the first time , we took an ice box , but oh , we
22 I trust you 'll do better .
23 ‘ Listen , when you go to the sports school you 'll leave home , wo n't you ? ’
24 ‘ Tata 's two assistants know everything there is to know about the trade , and I suspect you 'll know even more than they do within a few months .
25 and even if you do n't it 's gon na c you know And er you get a few choice words and then eventually you say Well well look we 'll go outside and sit outside for a few minutes and d and wait till you 've decided what and do n't forget i time you kn you kn
26 So but er the overseas fellow , You know I 'll consider just on the same level , and ofte Well I never saw any er what you 'd call bickering and biding between the black and the white student .
27 1 ) ‘ I 've given up worrying if my toddler does n't eat breakfast or lunch because I know she 'll eat almost as much as her dad for tea .
28 But when yo when you walk in the door , I mean , first Stuart knew so he that 's why he took me in , and we walk in and there 's a head waiter would you like a table for two sir would you like a non smoking or a smo and then he showed you to your table and pulled your chair , you know , I mean tha not what you expect in a tea shop or coffee place you know i ha ha and they have proper waitresses with the little hat on , you know she 'll get about four tables so they 're looking after you and even on your saucer where you had your I mean yo your teapot and everything on the saucer 's a little mat so that you do n't drip , if it drips
29 But I know we 'll meet again some sunny day . ’
30 ‘ But if yer like we 'll go downstairs . ’
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