Example sentences of "[vb base] [pron] over [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 For I remember us doing a flipping er a family came to Wyre once and we were on the same old coble we were er doing the flipping and we thought we had nothing to do but take the rope off their heads and push them over the side of the coble onto the side of the small jetty .
2 To disappear the young men into their own terrain , make use of every cave and wood ( and send them over the water if need be ) ?
3 It 's a move we have practised so many times in training and I always send them over the bar .
4 When you 've done that , open the saloon deck hatch and put the sweaters on hangers , then hook them over the coaming .
5 City were competing well in mid-field and keeping their opponents at full stretch , but after twenty four minutes , Shenley pulled level as Paul Armitage crossed into goalkeeper Steve Roberts , but he lost possession as he collided with Andy King and allowed Rob Blackmore to get a touch and send it over the line .
6 Once you are satisfied that the glass is spotless , carefully place it over the top of the design .
7 In order to copy existing artwork onto film , cut some drafting film to size ( allowing plenty of room as a border ) and place it over the artwork to be copied , perhaps Sellotaping it in place over the page .
8 Roll out a pastry lid , place it over the filling and damp the outer rim .
9 Divide the dough into eight equal portions and place it over the template , cutting round the edges with a sharp knife .
10 A favourite quote was from County Securities : ‘ We got to the stage in our institutional room where headhunters came on the phone so often we put them over the loudhailer because it was such a huge joke . ’
11 Spread them over the top of the onions and round the sides of the casserole .
12 He got up from his chair , fetched a rolled-up plan from the top of the sideboard and spread it over the litter on the table .
13 There seems to be little difference in the actual amount of weight lost whether you eat all your calorie allowance in one go , or spread it over the day .
14 So , really make sure you spread it over the whole of the face , rubbing it in with your fingers .
15 Spread it over the cake drum around the boat and buoys with a palette knife , blending the different tones together and making sure that the fondant under the boat is covered .
16 Put it over the wheat-rick , so the wind ca n't blow the flames from the hay-rick on to it !
17 McAllister had a great chance but put it over the bar .
18 Like say last week me and Russell never got up before , oh my mother and father come to the house right and it was quarter past ten and we were still in bed and my father put the milk cos the , my milkman leaves my milk by the gate because , with the dog , he always used to leave the gate open so I used to let the dog out in the morning and the dog would go out so I said do n't put the milk by the door , leave it just , put it over the gate cos I like the gate left shut .
19 ‘ Take one of the strips of plaster from my arm and put it over the girl here 's mouth .
20 The thing is , if they always give you and you , your , nine times out of ten what they do is like , is either , they either put a can over there or a beer or something , they put it over the end of the , the weapon pull the trigger and that , even with a flash that can go like that , and then they show you one with the , the erm flashes right which have more powerful than the and they 've actually got same again same charge as a life grenade in , but it just plain cardboard so , obviously no trap , but if you lay on them ooh er , you get or something you do n't throw what they do now is they put one they light one , put the helmet over the top of it and make it lit , it runs like buggery and it 'll go a hundred , a hundred and fifty foot up in the air and inside it looks like its been and where its been in the thing it 'll be like er , six seventy foot off the ground , I mean I laid on one once and I , landed about two foot too my left so I 've rolled over , rolled , rolled , and rolled , as I 've rolled I 've rolled over on my back and I 've had all loads of over , like the , I had a roll there its like the er
21 She got the thin iron frying pan from the shelf and put it over the heat with some fat in it .
22 ‘ So you 'd write a carbon-backed slide with this message and project it over the film .
23 Sweet carpets : if you 've gone off your old talcum powder , shake it over the carpet before you do the vacuuming — it 's a great freshener .
24 I drift back indoors , in case she decides to go all the way and tip me over the edge while she 's at it .
25 Make a latticed frame to go over the fire and put the trout on it or otherwise hang them over the smoke , and if possible cover it all with branches of more leaves to keep the smoke inside .
26 ‘ I 'll let the brake off this chair and tip you over the edge in a minute .
27 Or I 'll switch you off and drop you over the side .
28 ‘ There , take that and read it over the week-end .
29 To eliminate the problems of prostitution , they sometimes take the women from the cell , put them in an ambulance and drive them over the border to Honduras .
30 Perhaps you know them over the garden wall to speak to you , you might even know their children by name and you know their christian name , but beyond that I think it 's true to say , even making allowance of generation gaps that you do n't know your neighbours in the same way that you knew your neighbours in London .
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