Example sentences of "[vb base] [pron] in [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Many local authorities in addition to ‘ pointing ’ applicants , place them in queues for accommodation , based on type of dwelling required and location .
2 Place them in layers of 8 in a greased bread tin , and cover each layer — except the top one — with grated cheese , reserving a little for the top .
3 Some of these royal gifts presented the warden with a formidable task : in December 1238 the sheriff of Essex and Richard de Munfichet , warden of the forest of Essex , were ordered to take alive in the forest 120 bucks and does for the Count of Flanders , put them in cages , and transport them in carts to the Thames , where Raymond Ruffus , a yeoman of the king , was to have a ship ready to take them to Flanders .
4 An average rate is probably somewhere in the order of ten to fifteen millimetres per hundred years , which probably does n't seem very fast when you say it in terms of a hundred years , but when you think in terms of the length of time that landscapes have been involving , then erm you 've got to multiply it by centuries and indeed millions of years , and erm you can see that quite erm dramatic changes can occur .
5 Er if someone says that 's not good enough , I want it in terms of Y equals
6 She did n't know where half the things went , but she tidied them up and put them in piles on the stairs so people could taken them up to their rooms when they went , and the kitchen looked nice and tidy .
7 That must , should , worry you in terms of the case that you 're putting across .
8 Better bury gold in the embankments , than put it in ornaments on the stations .
9 So we are going to give it a lot of coverage , and obviously put it in places like the information centre .
10 How could she and Bob even put it in words to each other ?
11 I look at how physics is constructed by staff and students ; whether they view these disciplines in terms of the old paradigm of science as certain , objective and value-free , or whether they view them in terms of the new paradigm of uncertainty , breadth and interconnectedness .
12 Frame a collection of samplers or something more unusual like lace collars or handkerchieves ( or table napkins ) , and hang them in groups on the wall .
13 The various types of radiation have different wavelengths ; if we consider them in terms of increasing or decreasing wavelength , the types of radiation blend gradually from one to the next .
14 The job of perceptual systems is to take these fluctuating patterns of activity occurring at the receptors and interpret them in terms of what is going on in the outside world .
15 These definitions do not say what learning is , but describe it in terms of its effects .
16 But the essential point here , whether or not we describe it in terms of the network model , is that we are concerned not with a superficial survey of the communities , but with obtaining depth of coverage .
17 Many students tie themselves in knots in only four bars , and can then go no further because they have concentrated on complex harmonizations and ignored the thematic flow .
18 I 've given up trying to buy stamps from the Post Office — again because the queues are so long — and I now get them in books from my newsagent .
19 The poor get theirs in ways of which we disapprove : consider nineteenth-century attitudes to working-class drinking .
20 So what does your ( quite considerable ) investment get you in terms of Custom Shop rock'n'roll history ?
21 If an insect blunders into it the owner will rush out , deliver a swift poisoned bite to her victim and then wrap it in bonds of yet a different silk and carry it away for consumption at leisure .
22 It is possible that the range of the nasal-raising rule was wider than in nineteenth-century Belfast , as some other spellings indicate it in monosyllables before nasal + voiced obstruent : these are hendes ( 'hands ' ) , bend ( 'band' ) .
23 Erm , I think Chair , it , there is a need obviously for all committees to be realistic , and erm , that certainly is our intention within those , but I would say again , it leads me to believe that you should keep a reasonable er , committee contingency in case certain difficulties present themselves in terms of those additional er , pressures and requirements .
24 When you talk to SHHD they define it in terms of mental impairment .
25 One such scheme would mix the plutonium with nasty but useless nuclear waste and seal it in blocks of glass .
26 And I hope to run through today , basically , a set of examples of specific infective positions which show particular virulence factors er manifest themselves in terms of clinical disease .
27 If you find yourself in difficulties of a personal nature , you can discuss them in confidence with your manager .
28 In many cases people with equipment and experience suitable for gentler slopes lose their way and find themselves in areas with gradients and conditions which they are unable to handle .
29 They are naturally a shoaling fish found in large waters , therefore always keep them in groups of four of more individuals .
30 However , after attention lapses he can retain his insights into another person , and use them in choices of means , without abandoning his long-term egoistic ends for the altruistic goals to which he briefly felt himself drawn ; he can therefore claim to have obeyed ‘ Be aware ’ without ceasing to be an egoist .
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