Example sentences of "[vb base] [pron] will [verb] them " in BNC.

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1 They say it will force them to grow crops that are n't needed simply because they ca n't burn the waste from more useful crops .
2 Dr Jean Coope , in Menopause , advises : ‘ You may not think the stranger is the perfect son or daughter-in-law , but the chances are that your children know who will suit them better than you do , and the sooner you accept this fact , the happier your family will be . ’
3 Ladies and gentlemen , I 'm very grateful to Professor Eppell for his characteristically kind and generous remarks , and erm I accept them all the more readily because I know you will treat them with a healthy degree of scepticism .
4 When you first meet someone , assume you will meet them again .
5 more information I mean this is , I mean this is part of what I was talk mythology I mean we 're talking about the index survey so when I raised the example of Churchill and the Churchill ex example is , was a good one because I mean he was an intellectual in his way , you know I mean he was a big bright cookie and but his was in terms of word count because he had a use of words for the way he used his words was how ordinary people would understand him I mean if you go back to you know we will fight them on the beaches and everything else I mean you think of the number of syllables he used in those words etcetera , etcetera I mean that 's sort of what I 'm getting to I mean he had his sharp succinct approach you know
6 Excuses abound : world markets have collapsed , diet-conscious Europeans are eating less red meat , some people in Britain fear it will give them mad cow disease .
7 Bush made the statement while campaigning in the Pacific North-West USA , where the Act has become the focus for resentment among logging workers , who fear it will cost them their jobs .
8 I think I will give them a Brandenburg Concerto . ’
9 I think you will destroy them ; you are a ruthless woman ; how ruthless I am yet to know and am just beginning to discern .
10 You might not be able to afford all the appliances you would like from the start , but if you think you will need them and will be able to afford them later you must leave the space and supply utilities for them .
11 I think it will stop them thought shit I 'm not bloody going to declare it ,
12 ‘ I think it will take them a little while to catch up again .
13 As your confidence and understanding increase you will use them in your writing .
14 ‘ Then swear you will keep them . ’
15 They estimate it will take them 20,000 man-hours to get the aircraft flying and ready for the round-the-world trip .
16 If you do and they work you will keep them , or adapt them until you feel comfortable with your ‘ tool kit ’ .
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