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1 In a way , it 's ended up being a good test to measure potentially good relationships against bad ones , because say I went out with someone and at a party they said , ‘ Sit on me lap , darling ’ , and then they said , ‘ Oh God , you 've only got one leg ’ — well , I 'd know they would n't be worth going out with !
2 Commentators say she went out to Australia and New Zealand as a girl , and returned as a woman .
3 If we fail to take this opportunity Mr Mayor , as I as I feel we are about to do I am a hundred percent convinced that in years to come people will look back at this year , or however long it happens to be and say they missed out on a golden opportunity to make social , to make more houses and to make social housing better in this city and across the country .
4 I expect he jumped out at the last minute .
5 Yes , I know what you 're all thinking — shame it turned out to be me — Andy Harris .
6 In the immediate vicinity it linked Danzig with Stettin and Berlin via the rivers Notec and Oder and the Bromberg Canal ; via the river Nogat and the Frisches Haff it linked up with Elbing , Marienburg and Königsberg ; via the river Pregel and the river Dieme and the Kurisches Haff it reached out to Memel and Tilsit .
7 I mean you came out with a wonderful statement when you were advertising this programme .
8 ‘ It 's really time you snapped out of it , whatever it is , ’ said Michael in the lounge later .
9 something I mean we moved out of the flats , partly because the flats were coming down ,
10 Like I fell out of a tree in the Garden of Eden . ’
11 Erm Devon , erm and their distaste of their neighbours , or distrust of Cornwall , I know , on one occasion , in the first fortnight , I think , we were in the Y M at Devonport , and er there was an argument with the Duke of Cornwall 's light infantry and er well , I know we got out of a back window of the Y M fairly smartish , erm avoiding trouble .
12 Remember he waltzed out in the ?
13 Suppose she went out into the woods with … him , and they were going to make love … or they 'd done it … and she said ‘ I 'm pregnant , you 're the father , what are you going to do about it ? ’
14 I believe they went out to The Crown afterwards . ’
15 Instead of us , you know , instead of it blocking out for our benefit , I reckon it blocked out for their benefit somehow a hell of a lot of insulation , in here
16 Every so often I find myself catapulted out of bed with fear of time and death , panic at the approaching void ; feet on the floor , head in hands , I shout a useless ( and disappointingly uneloquent ) ‘ No , no , no ’ as I wake .
17 Former political prisoner Farouk Okullu told an Old Bailey judge he lashed out in desperation because his private parts were extremely sensitive following agonising torture he was subjected to in a Ugandan jail .
18 I mean it stuck out like a sore thumb , I mean er by King George 's playing fields erm cos of the , they had n't the , th the , the s other story for that was as I said was we they sent er some of us to a class in Walsall for er aircraft recognition and er the days I went to this class , cos I went as er , er both for the factory and for the Home Guard , so that I could cover both the factory and when I were on duty , Home Guard and we was at a building on the corner of Corporation Street and west , and we was taking classes in there .
19 He hung on until I came out and I was given embarkation leave or demob leave rather and I did n't even have a chance to have that , they wanted me down there so quickly , I think I came out of the forces one week and I was working down there the following week because was way past his retiring age .
20 ‘ I think I ran out of gas a little bit there , ’ said Chang , the youngest ever French Open champion in 1989 at 17 .
21 In the second place , if you think I crept out into the street last night and daubed some portentous graffito on the wall opposite your room , you are very much mistaken .
22 ‘ And your parents quite obviously hate my guts because they think I walked out on Jennifer when she most needed me …
23 I think I stayed out of a sense of loyalty and I began to enjoy it much more .
24 Floorboards vibrated and door handles shook as the star 's hit song I Will Always Love You blasted out from Helen Stephens ' home , Teesside County Court was told .
25 ‘ I think we copped out with Bohemian Rhapsody .
26 And in terrible conditions , erm , another country is Zaire where there is currently , I mean I 'd think there was a military coup or something there in the last few weeks , but these things are colonies which were n't connected to Britain , hoping I 'm being , I think it 's a French colony , they use a Belgian colony or is an ex Belgian colony , maybe in Belgium and France you would get more news about those two countries , but here we do n't , because they , we have n't got that colonial connection that makes us interested perhaps erm and , and when we do find out about South Africa because it used to be a colony , we do find out about , I mean Ethiopia I think we found out about because of the disaster that 's happening there in several of the countries all around it , used to be British colonies .
27 As such places went it was a clean , respectably furnished room , but it was a ‘ transient ’ all the same and , looking at him , she could not help but think he looked out of place there .
28 I think he got out of the flat first and not out of debt .
29 He used to have a Council flat , but I think he got out of that .
30 I think he set out in plain language the priorities which Britain needs to address and which the present government is failing us on .
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