Example sentences of "[vb base] [pron] [adj] [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 we bring them all in and , and when we go for breaks we look through them and decide where we 're gon na go next year .
2 You make me happy through and through ,
3 fit it all in as they say .
4 they cut them open like and it 's a big scar right the way down there
5 She would smile and be lighthearted and welcome them all back and have a bathroom put in on the top floor .
6 ITN 's political match-summariser says that ‘ individually the polls are all over the place , but put them all together and you get a message you can trust ’ — not a science graduate , presumably .
7 Yes , well if I can do a few two ounces worth I put them all together and then Adam can give her a little bit .
8 She said and he picked them up and put them both together and it was seven hundred and odd she had to pay out , for her car !
9 Well no , you , you sort of mix it all up and it 's like a , a piece of dough , it 's like , it 's like a pastry
10 Finally you put it all together and find you got a nice solid looking case .
11 If you just tell me which directory it is and what file name it is then we put it all together and erm get at it .
12 Then I got my seventy odd and she got another week 's money and we just put it all together and we split it down the middle said right there 's your half , there 's mine
13 Put it all back as we found it eh ?
14 Well , we ca n't the only way stop it all together and that ai n't gon na .
15 Then cost it all out and work backwards from there seeing what you really can afford — and can afford to be without .
16 Mm , it banks up the other side banks up the other side you see and then once the pond 's all in you sort of landscape it all down and you use it as a rockery , I want the
17 It is part of their religion , a religion I do not scoff at as it holds many elements which match our own even though it lacks the truth of ours .
18 why they give you ten so that you know , you get intervals , between , because the girls have got to sort of tap all the words in
19 Bill knows he must go to John 's now and explain why he could n't take them to Disneyland , clear it all up before John dies .
20 Add it all together and — unless they are prepared to go deeper into debt — the Tories are hoping to raise anything up to £42m .
21 The Chief Officer said quite clearly last er last time that the decisions were decisions for members and members came up with a view last time that we should not remove that whole time crew from St Albans which was the one firm decision that was made at the last meeting and what Councillor is now suggesting that we should take out those twenty eight whole time fire fighters and then try and give us ten back if we 're lucky .
22 Get them all down and then the person on the quieter entrance can just write them down .
23 The way round it is to avoid making everything a priority , which is the great temptation in the health service , and establish what 's wanted by both ministers and users participating in a debate about what matters so that you limit the number of priorities , then get them refined so that they are easily understandable and structured . ’
24 This approach can also help those people who feel a sense of threat from other people 's opinions and so bulldoze them first so that others are prevented from expressing their views .
25 Mrs S , tell me that again so it 's on record .
26 He puts down something like eight guitar tracks using numerous WEM Copicats and what have you , and it 's only when you hear them all together that you realise he 's assembled this sound that he had in his head .
27 ask your Social Secretary office for form AG 5 ( and form AG 1 if you want to claim on low-income grounds and you do not hold a current AG 2 or AG 3 certificate ) , fill them both in and send them where the form tells you .
28 School teachers suffer a good deal from having to listen to this sort of twaddle from proud parents , but they usually get their own back when the time comes to write the end-of-term reports .
29 Then probably , if the weather was fine the next day or two , we would go and drag-rake it up with another horse in a drag-rake ; and then rake it all up and put it on the cock .
30 and bought the York stone cupboard all the way back in the wheel barrow and put it in , made , pack it all up and made to look .
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