Example sentences of "[vb base] [pron] [prep] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 To make the most of fragrant flowers such as these sweetly scented golden and white freesias and white lilies , display them by massing the flowers closely together in side-by-side containers .
2 They criticise me for getting a new curtain or taking a holiday .
3 If Modernists criticise me for copying the old , I tell them it takes a lifetime to do it well .
4 involve someone in solving a problem so that they have some ownership for the solution .
5 ‘ We can take the old sole off and replace it without changing the shape of the shoe or damaging the structure .
6 Any signatory of the convention is required to register a formal difference with the secretariat if its own laws preclude it from observing a standard while failure to implement a recommended practice only stimulates a request that the secretariat be informed .
7 To remove the drill , insert a drill drift into the slot in the spindle and tap it in using a hammer or piece of wood .
8 This is placed between two staves and moved to wherever you want it by using the cursor keys .
9 The ( very guarded ! ) formulation ‘ unit ’ does not in any way preclude us from becoming a committee , a commission , a staff , a section , or anything else you may choose once it has been decided what form we are going to take .
10 Trick them by hiding the leaf you want in a bunch of something useless , or even poisonous .
11 When thesis subjects as broad as juvenile delinquency in the South or differential fertility in the U.S.A. are chosen — subjects which transcend any bounds of accomplishment during graduate work and which are not definitely formulated — they are likely to bring the young research person to a state of despair when he realizes that the masses of material he has assembled answer no questions , neither confirm nor refute any hypothesis , and yield nothing toward developing a scientific sociology .
12 So it 's cost me , it 's cost me for ordering the bloody thing
13 These and other caveats prevent me from giving an unqualified recommendation to this new disc .
14 If children did visit they should be with an adult who could explain the pictures or stop them from seeing the more controversial ones .
15 This is the argument that women 's domestic responsibilities get in the way of their paid work , and prevent them from taking the opportunities for higher-paid work .
16 Visually handicapped pupils are likely to need adaptations to the educational materials that are in the ordinary classroom if they have severe sight defects that prevent them from discriminating the size of print being used by the class .
17 Not to mention the classes of thirty or more , and all the other sources of frustration that prevent you from delivering the service you should , and doing the job as you would like .
18 The adaptation work should help to overcome or remove any obstacles that prevent you from enjoying the use of your present facilities .
19 As long as you identify with the negative messages that trick you into becoming a victim to negativity , then you will be used .
20 I 'm sure I catch something about meeting the Prime Minister.He bounds down to meet me , spruce and sporty in blazer and striped tie .
21 Nor did his investment in the Virginia Company prevent him from advocating a total ban on tobacco imports .
22 The only thing which was missing was the recognised transport qualification , a Certificate of Professional Competence , so , determined not to let this official piece of paper prevent her from doing the job she undertook a study course and was soon legally qualified to run the fleet .
23 They are meant to appeal to Tamburlaine 's humanity and hopefully stop him from plundering the town .
24 The sergeant instructed him to take him into the police station and charge him with taking a vehicle without consent — the offence as complete by moving it thirty yards .
25 These valves also serve to trap any water which may accidentally pass the blowhole , and thus prevent it from entering the lungs , which would cause choking or drowning .
26 At a time when a good public image is essential for universities , English is unable to explain itself in ways immediately intelligible to the outsider , is notoriously riven with doubts and disagreements that prevent it from having a shared sense of purpose , and may at intervals erupt into crises that attract the wrong sort of publicity .
27 If private property is to be legitimate within the framework of a liberal society it is also necessary to show that there are constraints which prevent it from becoming a source of power which threatens the liberty of the individual or rivals the power of the state .
28 1 The trick of making eyes smoulder is to apply solid colour sparingly , then smudge and spread it by softening the edges .
29 Dissolves stop it from sucking the liquid back again .
30 So , obstacles or other animals in the vicinity reveal themselves by distorting the fish 's electric field .
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