Example sentences of "[vb base] [pron] [verb] [pron] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Those who have had facts imparted to them effectively will pass the tests and those who have not will fail to pass the tests , and when the lists are read out on Speech Day the incompetence of the bad fact-imparters will be revealed to the world and this will act as a goad and make them impart their facts better in future … . ’
2 She believes some people will vote Labour to shake up the Conservatives and make them reconsider their policies .
3 I had the feeling that Prentice was out to kill me with kindness , or at least make me put my hands up to something I had n't done .
4 I mean I know his sayings are most er erm fucking
5 But I 'm desperate to go to college , I mean I love my kids and my kids get everything they need , but I ca n't go , it 's holding me back , I ca n't get my two into the creche .
6 I said I want them back today and I said erm this morning cos I said er I want them to put my cakes in , oh she said , oh , well are you going anywhere ?
7 I am prepared to wait if I know that in the end he 'll be let in , but in the meantime I just want them to allow my children to attend school .
8 But we also want them to understand their roots , to have some pride in their culture and their history . ’
9 ‘ You want me to share my feelings with the group ? ’
10 ‘ You want me to get my priorities right ? ’
11 But I will not be ordered this way and that , she said , I will do the work in my own time , as I choose , for my sister has no right to treat me like a maid , to give orders and expect me to run her errands .
12 ‘ I expect them to put their seats up slightly , ’ he said , ‘ perhaps to 11 or 12 . ’
13 While she was away Laura would send Lynda or Moira detailed written descriptions , as she had never learnt to draw , and expect them to adapt her suggestions .
14 I do n't know , I say I found my ones brilliant they are
15 D' ya want your slippers on ?
16 Where d' ya get them doors ?
17 Well yes you 're putting well I mean how d' ya put your tights on with one hand then ?
18 ‘ Then I suggest you answer my questions .
19 I suggest you ask your Allies about that .
20 ( I omit the statistical support , and suggest you use your intuitions to test the claims they make . )
21 Turn round day is a bit hectic for us , so we suggest you pack your bags in the morning , leave them in our safekeeping , and disappear to explore for the day !
22 We suggest you discuss your wishes with those close to you , or perhaps a nurse , counsellor , religious advisor or AIDS helpline .
23 ‘ They always expect you to buy them drinks .
24 D' you fancy your chances today , then ? ’
25 Well , now that I 'm too big for me boots , d' you think me legs 'll sprout ? ’
26 D' you want your eyes gouged out , you fucking sadist ?
27 D' you have your keys , Miss ? ’
28 D' you like my cartoons ?
29 ‘ How d' you like your eggs , Harry ? ’
30 Now you say you like your gardens open .
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