Example sentences of "[vb base] [pron] [noun] in [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Do you or do you not , want my help in dealing with Miss Needham-Burrell ? ’
2 1988 ; Grimshaw and Jefferson 1987 ; Trojanowicz and Harden 1985 ) , although there are a number of other studies which emphasize its success in overcoming public hostility to the police ( Brown and Iles 1985 ; McKane 1980 ; cf. Cumberbatch 1983 , Taylor-Griffiths 1988 ) .
3 They acknowledge their sin in heeding the warnings and the wild stories of the majority of the spies .
4 He had described as " a fraud " the recent attempts under KGB chairman Gen. Vladimir Kryuchkov to clean up the KGB 's public image and stress its role in fighting genuine crime .
5 I have a personal contact with Children 's Aid , a registered charity who concentrate their efforts in placing orphans from the streets of Brazil with loving families in Portugal .
6 Then he went down in this loose scrum , should n't have been there , but he was always a bit of a hero , and I put my foot in looking for the ball and there he was .
7 Sir Charles Groves and the RPO match their soloist in playing that sounds as though they too know this music well and love it .
8 How many heads actively support their staff in becoming change agents ?
9 Full members wishing to attend a meeting should upon receipt of an invitation , register their intention in writing to the secretary of the LIFESPAN User Group .
10 Three editions of Stringer 's tract , Variety of Surprising Experiments ( 1703 , 1705 , and 1707 ) , supplemented by three published open letters to Woodroffe ( in 1704 and 1707 ) evince his skill in devising these and other chemico-mineral medicines along Paracelsian lines .
11 We all welcome his precision in noting the fact that the Opposition do not have a proper policy .
12 The reason for this is related to the way the courts view their role in controlling government .
13 Reporting in The Phyrologist 1983 , vol I , p 4 ) they describe their success in creating the first hybrid from a plant and animal cell .
14 Here we will not examine the mixing processes , but accept their role in modifying the water mass as we seek to relate the time-series ( Fig. 2 a ) to the spatial distribution ( Fig. 2b ) .
15 Individuals decide how to vote , and the objectives of the individual bureaucrat guide his behaviour in carrying out decisions .
16 ‘ Though I appreciate your bravery in going to aid an old man , ’ Barton began , ‘ the medical profession can not countenance the kind of newspaper scandal and unsavoury publicity that you have brought to St Andrew 's . ’
17 We appreciate your concern in allowing ‘ strangers ’ to live in your home but it is better to have your home cared for rather than leaving it empty .
18 It was at this time that we read Morgan Forster 's article in the Listener about George Crabbe and we were touched and interested enough to seek out a copy of Crabbe 's poems and I well remember my surprise in discovering a mid-19th-century edition in San Diego , I think .
19 resorted to by the most abandoned characters — poachers , smugglers and night depredators who pass their time in playing at cards for the expenses of the night , in raffling for game and poultry , and concocting plans for future mischief … and not one in ten sells home-brewed beer .
20 Extraordinarily , the Queen 's Speech does not even include the usual platitudes , promising , in the words of last year 's speech ; that the Government would ’ vigorously pursue their policies in fighting crime . ’
21 The commonalty find their justification in speaking by speaking as the mouthpiece of another .
22 Charge cards companies will not be looking to take on those customers with lower incomes who do not want to pay , or find it difficulty in paying , high credit-card interest rates .
23 Does being in the business spoil her enjoyment in seeing a concert ?
24 They claim their work in dealing with violent crime , can not be linked as Sheahy attempts , to other jobs .
25 Minton 's sober and workmanlike drawings instance his delight in registering rhythmic activity and industrial shapes .
26 By ejecting the sperm from previous matings , the female may convince the male that her offspring will also be his , and so enlist his aid in rearing them .
27 Personality and temperament play a part in the attitudes people hold about maintaining a safe environment and affect their efficiency in carrying out the activities involved .
28 Private sector employers , university entrance authorities , unions and arguably men in general , play their part in maintaining differences in ‘ an individual 's access to four types of social resources : income , power , information and status ’ ( Sugimoto 1982 p.17 ) .
29 We must continue to put forward an alternative framework within which British farmers can take commercial decisions over the best way to use their skills and resources , play their part in sustaining our rural economy and the countryside , and compete fairly within Europe .
30 The lighter strings obviously play their part in sustaining the instrument 's longevity by placing less strain on the guitar , especially at that infamous Höfner neck/body join .
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