Example sentences of "[vb base] [art] [noun] between the " in BNC.

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1 Obviously not only the sequence neighbouring the position for a modification but also other determinants in the tRNA influence the interactions between the tRNAs and most tRNA-modifying enzymes .
2 They er they try and compensate the difference between the intervention price in one country with the intervention price in another country .
3 For those not familiar with musical shorthand : the two dots in bar 1 and bar 8 mean ‘ repeat the passage between the dots ’ .
4 They highlight the division between the localised and widespread types of distribution pattern .
5 Clearly these transects are not comprehensive and omit the distinctive nature of mountainous Barra or the sandstone based Eye Peninsula near Stornoway or the many small uninhabited islands , but these transects highlight the distinction between the low Atlantic coastlands with machair-land and crofting settlement on the west , and the areas of empty mountains and the extensive peat-covered plateaux of the east and most of the interior regions .
6 6.7 The thing which all the adjectives of the sort found in ( 33 ) have in common is that on the intensional level they qualify the relation between the entity identified by the noun phrase in which they appear and the description supported by the words making up the remainder of that phrase .
7 Unfortunately , the equally essential but less tangible skills which make the difference between the ordinary and superlative restaurant manager can hardly be judged in the short period of a competition .
8 While Castells ' early work has usually been criticized for the absence of agency and consequent essentially functionalist explanation , this absence of connection between base and consciousness — an implicit dismissal of the notion that social being determines consciousness — is also a licence for action explanations in a Weberian tradition which completely sever the connection between the production system and social action around reproduction .
9 Berke and Stubbs indicate that the interactive dialogue subsystem and the display and interactive use component are particularly critical for the effective use of a DSS because they provide the interaction between the user and the machine .
10 Anthropologists have been at pains to stress the variety of accepted institutional arrangements which regulate the relations between the sexes in different societies .
11 Four semi-roundels occupy the spaces between the arms of the saltire .
12 Masks of Neptune occupy the interspaces between the central and other roundels : an aquatic theme which is enhanced by seabeasts in two of the semi-roundels .
13 Other Alpine ranges , following the east-west trend line of the main European Alpine complex , occupy the area between the Sava valley and the Austrian frontier .
14 This role as observing participant reverses the emphasis of traditional fieldwork , so that the researcher is required to participate actively in the social life studied and thus consciously eliminate the distinction between the observer and the observed phenomena ( ibid. 29 ) .
15 Luce Irigaray speaks of a dominant philosophic logos with a ‘ power to reduce all others to the economy of the Same [ and ] eradicate the difference between the sexes ’ .
16 Thus the dialogue and its frame emphasize the bond between the two of them , and thereby further underline the horror of the sacrifice of which they speak .
17 Changes in both faecal sulphate reducing activity and sulphate reducing bacteria counts during the sulphate feeding period , however , strongly suggest a relation between the metabolism of these bacteria and the changes in methanogenesis observed in this study .
18 The courses are powerful because they provide a link between the newcomers and the local indigenous population who find that working together can help them learn to influence the decision makers . ’
19 Suppose now that we introduce the rate of interest into the analysis and thus provide a link between the real and monetary sectors of the economy .
20 Table 3.1 and subsequent tables provide a comparison between the UK and developed countries as a whole , in the shape of averages for the EC ( the present 12 countries of the European Community ) and for the OECD ( the EC plus 12 further countries : the USA , Canada , Australia , New Zealand , Japan , Austria , Finland , Iceland , Norway , Sweden , Switzerland and Turkey ) .
21 ‘ I want a gap between the second number and the third , and another gap between the third number and the other four . ’
22 These data suggest an interaction between the antiarrhythmic agent and ischaemia — ie , the antiarrhythmic drug , which slows conduction as its usual mechanism of action , may have intensified the regional ventricular conduction delay accompanying ischaemia and caused ventricular fibrillation during ischaemic episodes .
23 By Paul Brown Environment Correspondent CHANGES in government policy are about to release large areas of land for commercial forestry and halt the feud between the timber trade and environmental groups over the conservation of upland areas .
24 These cover the relationship between the curriculum and the organisational structures of institutions and courses and educational experiences of students .
25 The stories Mira tells to divert her attention from her personal situation and to exercise her imaginative powers reveal the link between the conventionality of the supposedly transparent discourse of realist fiction and the conventionality of news stories .
26 In all class-divided societies the relations of exploitation create class struggles which reveal the contradiction between the forces of production and property relations .
27 The situation in the traditional poem , as exemplified by Sidney , is an I — She one , where the pronouns reveal the gap between the lover and his mistress ; in Donne , as I have shown elsewhere , l it is an I-Thou , and above all a We/Us/Our relationship , where the lovers exist , after the consummation , as a unit , a model to others , from which point Donne 's wit takes off in a brilliant sequence of rhetorical strategies .
28 When we include fairy stories in our consideration of ‘ the short story ’ , we realise how central they have been to our childhood , adolescence and adulthood , too : how we have pored eagerly over them because we ourselves , like Snow White , have feared our mother 's envy ; because , like Little Briar Rose , we imagine the gap between the child and the woman to stretch over a hundred years ; because , like Cinderella , we long to be protected by the good mother from the bad mother .
29 When I put the staff between the denim cap and the wind , the turbulence vibrated the peak with the noise of a bassoon .
30 Figures 5.12–5.14 show the differences between the actual population for 1971 and the predicted population for 1984 .
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