Example sentences of "[vb base] [prep] be very [adj] " in BNC.

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1 If training officers themselves are not common , staff who can devote as much time as they would like , to training , ( whatever their title ) appear to be very rare indeed .
2 These results ( Bard et al 1987 ) appear to be very good , but when one looks at the ranking of the output utterances from which the recognition rates were computed , 30 out of the 79 best-matching utterances were not output first , although they ranked equal first in score .
3 In technique and effect , relaxation therapy , hypnosis and autohypnosis , autogenic training and meditation appear to be very similar .
4 Meadow 's ( 1980 ) review is more positive in separating the linguistic academic achievement from cognitive achievement ; in the latter , deaf children appear to be very similar to their hearing peers .
5 Selecting the most suitable kind of pool-liner can be rather confusing ; prices vary widely for products that , to the uninitiated , appear to be very similar .
6 Equally , I think we like to set up experiments first before plunging for something , so you have got in Countess Thorpe , or the Stantonbury Campus , experiments in a fuller kind of democracy which appear to be very successful if a little controversial .
7 The prices of pharmaceutical products have frequently been reviewed by competition authorities , and at first sight the mark-ups appear to be very large .
8 ‘ They appear to be very comfortable .
9 Females visit the lek only to mate , and they appear to be very particular about whom they choose .
10 Well we expect to be very small .
11 In this chapter , I want to be very critical of the ‘ theoretical reformism ’ this kind of work represents , and the assumptions about language that underlie it .
12 You want to be very careful er , Mr Chairman , how we put out erm , information , I mean , let's face it , you know , you start sort of raising a lot of hairs if you 're not careful and if , if , even if it 's totally irrelevant people will latch on to a particular com comment and make it their own .
13 Thank you Mr Mayor , erm I I want to be very brief Mr Mayor , that the debate on houses and rent increases has taken place and has been well aired over recent weeks and I do n't have any intention tonight of re-debating those issues .
14 Its omnifont recognition algorithms teamed up with the use of the dictionary have given us a recognition rate we 'd estimate at between 98% and 99% , and all without having to teach the program what any letters are , which we consider to be very good .
15 ‘ It 's a mug 's game and I happen to be very good at it .
16 ‘ My friends are people that I trust and I do n't have to put on airs with them — they know me and do n't assume that I 'm a terrific snob if I happen to be very quiet . ’
17 It 's strange the way Chinese Whispers start about certain guitars ; by the time the umpteenth person has told you about the amazing instrument that they 've seen , you begin to be very sceptical about whether anything can be as outrageous as described …
18 The Council have done a wonderful job in constructing existing pedestrian/cycle paths such as the Longniddry — Haddington path , which seem to be very successful in terms of use .
19 and er they seem to be very pleased with what I 'm doing anyway .
20 OPCS data recording alcoholic liver disease seem to be very inaccurate .
21 MANY Land Rover and Range Rover owners seem to be very conscientious people who want to do their bit to reduce global environmental pollution by the use of lead free fuel .
22 As was explained in Chapter 5 , some tropical tree species seem to be very homogeneous in their morphology over wide ranges , even including populations widely separated from others with little possibility for gene exchange .
23 The genes in question seem to be very similar in prokaryotes which in other respects are not very alike , and which are thought not to be closely related .
24 Sometimes , what seem to be very heated and destructive conflicts have very positive outcomes ; for example , while a strike would normally be seen by managers and union members as expensive , destructive conflict for both sides , it can provide a focus for attention and an opportunity for catharsis .
25 Nevertheless this sort of y'know white middle class male strand of of scholarship on sex , y'know the Kinseys , the erm alright Masters and Johnson , it was Virginia Johnson that er , nevertheless they seem to be very well in that mould , the Alex Comforts and all that kind of stuff .
26 You all seem to be very alert in the evening
27 SHOW OF AFFECTION : The Duchess of York and Johnny Bryan seem to be very close ( top ) and little Princess Eugenie looks on ( above ) as the American moves in to kiss her mother
28 On the surface these seem to be very serious objections to the whole enterprise of analysing international relations by means of a general theory .
29 The religious police seem to be very active at the moment and everybody who enters or leaves Pat 's compound is searched .
30 The seeds , he says ‘ are flat and one half of a beautiful red colour and the other half of a deep black … the flowers have not yet appeared in England , but from a painting done from the plant in the country , they seem to be very beautiful . ’
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