Example sentences of "[vb base] [prep] [pron] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 she said something about it in school , she goes she wants their names right and their occupation cos say like you go to the butcher shop and then you go to that and the other
2 It 's as if Tom Robinson ( the negro ) has no say in what happens to him and a white woman has the right to push him around and refer to him as nigger , overpowering him in all senses of the matter .
3 it 's your own body and you have got some say in what happens to it , or what does n't happen to it .
4 ‘ Labels ’ seemed to be highly constraining ; once applied , the receivers seemed to have little say in what happened to them .
5 ( 5 ) The Director may — ( a ) institute and have the conduct of any criminal proceedings which appear to him to relate to such fraud ; and ( b ) take over the conduct of any such proceedings at any stage . …
6 And here she 's telling Ruth , now what you 've got ta do , she 's she 's got him , she 's got her introduced to Boaz and she tells him it 's a strange custom , one that 's perhaps even stranger in our eyes today but there er after the party , the great harvest supper she 's , the the they lie down in the barn together , they all just , they 're tired it 's , it 's , the party 's gone on into the wee hours of the morning , and there they just , they do n't bother going home , they lie down there in the barn together all of them and she says to Ruth what you must do according to the custom is , you go and you lie at the feet of Boaz and wait , just wait , and wait for him to respond to you .
7 What Protschka and his excellent pianist Deutsch ( who gauges his tone ideally every time ) reveal in what promises to be an intégrale is the gulf between agreeably homely songs based on lesser versifiers and folk sources ( with one that occasionally stands out , like Es ist ein Schnitter , der heisst Tod ) and those where a poem has caught Mendelssohn 's imagination and he ceases to put his melodic shape first .
8 After that there was no way back for Foulds as Doherty raced away for a 5–2 win , sealing it with a 60 break in what proved to be the final frame .
9 Listen to him writing to Héloïse about the power of the story of love :
10 Listen to what happened to me , ’ I said , and I told my story a third time .
11 But I , I tell you , really , you 'd , you 'd and something different because I mean like you go to the Headway and it 's just the same
12 used er well M S DOS Five Setup append for me to append to its path .
13 This week we read of him losing to an unranked Swede who virtually apologised after the match , explaining that Borg had been the reason for his getting into tennis in the first place .
14 I look to you to see to it . ’
15 All of these factors seem to me to point to the desirability of the judgment being exercised by the local authority , with their unique knowledge of the facts , rather than by the courts .
16 The remarkable quality of the New Hall collection , a voluntary assembly of donated works , and the likewise extraordinary disproportion of successful women artists in the final selection of the New Contemporaries this year seem to me to point to a crucial shift that is happening in symbolic utterance and representation : women 's bodies , women 's nature have long been ‘ good to think with ’ , their flesh has served artists as founts of meaning , allegorical and personal .
17 Other similarities between the suicide and the anorexic seem to me to relate to the individual 's reactions to an impinging world .
18 What I have here described as the " normality " which human beings regularly attribute to what seems to them simple , intelligible , logically ordered , in contradistinction to the " abnormality " of disorderly unintelligibility , might , from a slightly different point of view , be seen as the opposition between the " rational " and the " emotional " .
19 Look at him going to be crucified for your sake .
20 Look at what happened to Gomez in 1990 .
21 look at them dancing to Mozart these two
22 At least , the way I look at it trying to be ever the optimist , is that this is the least worst option .
23 And look at you jumping to conclusions , going the right way to make a proper fool of yourself .
24 An amorous meeting is forecast , so keep yourself smart , sociable and suitably alert for what promises to be an interesting episode .
25 Like by my going to the Fourniers .
26 On the one hand , the prolegs or gills develop from what seem to be the abdominal appendages of the polypod embryo ( Friedman , 1934 ) .
27 These have proved difficult if not impossible to pin down in any precise terms and demand for them appears to be similarly volatile … .
28 They tend to they tend to be a bit noisier than the others , but actually they are very constructive , and on Banbury School Governors it 's not the political appointees that erm I 've seen as a problem particularly .
29 I mean to we had to literally eat in the one day
30 I tried to persuade her to go home , even suggested I go with her to talk to her parents but she could n't even face that .
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