Example sentences of "[vb base] [prep] [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It has been suggested that the high levels of motivation found among successful mature students more than compensate for lower levels of formal qualifications which many have .
2 This may seem to be a gloomy picture but it must be noted that , in relation to work , age is not a large aspect of individual differences compared with natural endowment , and that increases in ability can more than compensate for small decreases in capacity .
3 SEP had simply assumed that expenditure on upkeep would more than compensate for any deterioration of its warehouses ’ .
4 ( vii ) Stain for 5 min with 2% Giemsa or any other conventional stain ( see Section 2.3 ) , or C-band as described in Section 2.4 .
5 Stain for 5 min in a Coplin jar .
6 ( ix ) Incubate extracted cells at room temperature for approximately 20 min in an appropriate dilution of the specific antibody in PBS — Tween + 3 mg/ml BSA , wash twice in PBS — Tween and stain for 20 min in the second ( labelled ) antibody diluted in PBS — Tween + 3 mg/ml BSA .
7 Most banks and monetary authorities distinguish between two types of bank deposits :
8 We can get a somewhat clearer idea of how enzymes work if we distinguish between two kinds of chemical bond , which differ in the nature and magnitude of the forces holding the atoms together .
9 Issue numbers distinguish between two kinds of modification record :
10 Some sociologists distinguish between different strata of the upper middle class identifying , for example , higher professionals , lower professionals , and managers as separate groups .
11 Through language they distinguish between different types of objects , events , actions and people .
12 Mike Queen , CCG director , said : ‘ As a company , we have a proven track record in providing a quality school meals service for local authorities across the UK .
13 The evidence is provided by a number of low scarps which wind for considerable distances across the Mercurian surface .
14 Repeat for each stitch to be embroidered and after last stitch of row , bring needle up through stitch below instead of stitch to left ( Fig. 3 ) .
15 Repeat for many positions of Q .
16 Repeat for different positions of D .
17 Innate behaviour repertoires only change through natural selection over successive generations and , although their range of tolerance , their capacities , can be extended , their capability in responding to rapid day to day environmental shifts is clearly limited .
18 Before doing so , review for non-jurisdictional error of law and for errors of fact must be considered in more detail .
19 It ignores the obvious discriminations which we make between similar treatment of different species within the animal kingdom .
20 I shall answer his question directly : we do not believe that the information should be denied to parents , but we believe that crude performance tables should not be used to distort the choices that parents make between different schools in Scotland , as would be the case if the Bill were implemented .
21 The reasons for this appear to be ( a ) what the students perceive as cashable cheques in the job market and ( b ) a genuine intellectual concern to understand what is going on in their society .
22 A study by the OECD tries to forecast what all these extra grey heads mean for public spending in different countries over the next 40 years , assuming that government policies remain unchanged .
23 I lay for several days in a small wooden room , convinced for some reason that I was on an ocean-going ship .
24 Fabia awoke on Friday with a smile on her face , and lay for some while with thoughts of Ven in her head .
25 I crept in beside him and lay for some time with throbbing head .
26 Finally , in moments of vision the internal mind ‘ goes out into the external Mind ; they communicate through new kinds of sense experience — this is what the ‘ sublime ’ passages in Tintern Abbey and The Prelude are about .
27 Domesday Book records land for 16 ploughs at Newbald , and a church .
28 Small side valleys , or tributary valleys , were cut less deeply and they remain as hanging valleys above the main U-shaped troughs .
29 Account for each clause of the following newspaper report in terms of the writer 's assumptions of what is given and new information for the reader .
30 Trees such as poplars , elms , limes and oaks account for much shrinkage in soil and should not be closer to the building than 1.5 times their own height .
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