Example sentences of "[vb base] [prep] [noun] [prep] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Another , equally peculiar to the judiciary in this country , is their particular version of the doctrine of the ‘ independence of the judiciary ’ ( see Chapter 4 ) , which leads them to resent what they perceive as interference by governments in their sentencing practice .
2 What it has not been able to do is provide a coherent explanation of the variations it often describes , nor account for changes in mores and consciousness .
3 Oil hydrocarbons account for 96% of exports and 80% of government revenue in Oman .
4 ‘ Gearbox and clutch failures account for 16pc of claims , steering and suspension problems 9pc , and electrical and fuel-system faults , 16pc .
5 Lone parents now account for 14% of families with dependent children ( it was 8% in 1971 ) .
6 Owner occupiers account for 23pc of households and the inclusion of work to their properties would have a beneficial effect on the overall scheme , members heard .
7 However , now that it is necessary to identify the functions the judges are performing when they sit as visitors in cases which are concerned with the question whether people are fit and proper persons to become or remain barristers , we must for the first time examine their function in that context alone .
8 But the Unipart graduates will be probably qualify as Bachelors of Parts !
9 ( 1 ) Sections 45 to 50 of the Local Government ( Scotland ) Act 1973 ( which provide for payment of allowances to members of local authorities and other bodies ) shall apply with any necessary modifications to members of licensing boards as if the licensing boards were local authorities .
10 On the other hand , professionals must be trained in group leadership and team building skills , supervisory techniques appropriate for work with paraprofessionals , and methods of conceptualizing and organizing the helping function that enable it to be accomplished by the combined efforts of professionals and paraprofessionals .
11 Japan hosts Ramsar amid threats to wetlands
12 In school , teachers show what they expect of children in terms of work and behaviour , they provide models for children by their own conduct and they feed back to children what they judge to be acceptable performance .
13 Crystals grow like rows of flowers or cactuses , gardens of inorganic rose petals , tiny spirals like cross-sections of succulent plants , bristling organ pipes , complicated angular shapes folded as if in miniature crystalline origami , writhing growths like worm casts or squeezed toothpaste .
14 Shot in black-and-white , the picture was a fast-moving set of zany jokes — including visual gags such as its stars wheeling an iron bed frame through the streets of London — intercut with asides from members of the public , the older generation commenting on the collapse of public morals .
15 The chefs cook in front of customers , and you can make your own pizzas .
16 Some grow in clusters like grapes ; some are larger , more elongated and solitary .
17 They grow in clusters in woods and gardens and there are sometimes so many that they look like one huge blue carpet .
18 The beautiful ones wear ornate regional head-dresses , chime bells and yodel to welcome the New Year , while nature mummers appear in costumes of pine-cones , moss and snail shells .
19 ‘ Reviews of progress ’ are a special form of research bibliography which commonly appear in series at intervals of one or more years , and which distil the literature of that period .
20 The first point is that it is generally recognized that ritual tends to increase , intensify and shift in focus at times of social crisis .
21 From an advertiser 's viewpoint , soccer 's problems are compounded by the fact that the rules allow no breaks in the action -- a far cry from other major American sports which build in breaks for commercials .
22 Knock in rows of pegs just outside the patio boundary .
23 Fifteen years later , Ceauşescu 's emphasis on systematization left little place in Romania for folk-customs and the traditional way of life outside museums .
24 Individuals therefore interact in terms of roles .
25 ‘ Families sleep on floors at relatives and friends .
26 Numerous research projects were set up to investigate patterns of transmitted deprivation where families appear to hand down problems from generation to generation .
27 Such efforts , like the one supported by Kurt Schmoke , the mayor of Baltimore , build on programmes from parts of Europe and Australia which treat drug-taking not as a criminal matter , but more as an issue of personal choice and public health .
28 Research done for Philips testifies to the importance that the police now attach to interrogation of suspects and the procuring of confessions from the guilty .
29 Amphibians usually lay their eggs in water and go through an aquatic larval stage as tadpoles , when they breath by means of gills .
30 What we choose to call this event depends upon factors such as its magnitude : we speak for instance of accidents , emergencies , disasters and catastrophes , each of which carries connotations concerning the scale of the event and each of which will have a set of human and/or environmental consequences .
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