Example sentences of "[vb base] [verb] what be go " in BNC.

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1 I want to see what 's going on . ’
2 If the adventurers want to see what is going on in the Black Pit , all they have to do is rap twice in rapid succession with the rod upon the rail .
3 ‘ I want to know what is going on in Birmingham , chapter and verse . ’
4 They want to know what is going on , and what the general wants them to do , and why , and when ; they want to see and decide in their own minds what sort of person he is .
5 We are in a changing era ; more and more we have people who are unaware of these therapies , but equally want to know what is going on .
6 That reminds me of the ghosts who really want to know what 's going on .
7 But I do n't think I want to know what 's going to happen to me .
8 Those roses smell very iffy to me , and I want to know what 's going on . ’
9 ‘ They 're often full of humans who very seriously want to know what 's going on .
10 So , Bill gets on the phone , I want to know what 's going on , what they 're playing at !
11 I mean particularly so if you 're involved in the service , but I do n't think it 's just restricted to that , I want to know what 's going on .
12 ‘ They want to hear what is going on and what the future holds for the Manor bungalows . ’
13 I always like to know what 's going on , so I listened , and watched , and looked at all his women friends .
14 ‘ Overseas Governments and local nationals just wo n't stand for it , particularly when they get to know what 's going on .
15 gathering you get to explain what 's going to happen , first of all you done
16 Just sniffing about , you know see what 's going on .
17 The President of the USA and other world leaders demand to know what is going on and government scientists are urged to get to the bottom of this — and fast .
18 He laughs , which is n't easy when your credibility is being sorely tested by the papers who claim to know what 's going on .
19 I had to interrupt her flow of catastrophes to suggest that we try to understand what was going on beneath the surface .
20 So I do know what 's going on , you see .
21 I still n , I still think that we need to make er quick pro progress Chairman but er unless we do make quick progress and unless we do understand what 's going on and call a spade a spade then I think this programme is doomed .
22 It may cause damage to a part of the person but we should not lose sight of the whole person if we wish to understand what is going on .
23 I do n't mean that people necessarily have to like what 's going on .
24 Q : But surely people need to know what 's going on ?
25 And that I mean is one of the major criticisms against a functional approach , that sometimes you need to know what 's going on inside the box fully to be able to fully appreciate the behaviour anyway .
26 ‘ I need to know what 's going on .
27 ‘ The ordinary public would n't be interested , but some people , people like me , for instance , have to know what 's going on in town .
28 I have to know what 's going on . ’
29 Oh ! could the originals of the portraits against the wainscot , could the gentlemen in brown velvet and the ladies in blue satin have seen what was going on , have been conscious of such an overthrow of all order and neatness !
30 ‘ Well , you know , the secret police have to hear what is going on , ’ shrugged a Bucharest physicist .
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