Example sentences of "[vb base] [verb] they in [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Mummy me want to eat them in that high chair , you staying out here ?
2 Valley Canoe Products have located a source of indestructible deck elastics and hope to offer them in 6 and 8mm sizes .
3 Set against these points is the maintenance problem ; softwood doors need regular decoration to keep rot at bay , and even hardwoods require regular treatment with preservative and stain to keep them in good condition .
4 Although we have tried to express these scientific impulses fairly , we hereby give notice that we intend to question them in later chapters .
5 Try to meet them in non-political situations and when you do not want anything from them .
6 It is quite reasonable for someone to draw on specific groups and try to understand particular pieces of action , to use a wider theoretical framework in which to place these actions and try to understand them in this way .
7 " Dull for the telephone men , I 'm afraid , " I said , " but try to keep them in good heart .
8 But schools often under-use the talents and energies of their teachers , or fail to develop them in any consistent and systematic way .
9 You are already familiar with the mathematical operations curl , div , and grad ( I prefer using them in vector-operator form ) , and you need no introduction to the concepts of electricity .
10 is n't that nice , they 've got them in all colours !
11 Most places where erm , you know they 've got them in that , where you go
12 They 've had them in this one .
13 So , getting down to specifics , the two species mentioned both make excellent aquarium subjects , the only cause for concern being whether they have been maintained in brackish water or already acclimatised to freshwater if you wish to maintain them in this environment .
14 They look better They all used to be one colour before but we 've now extended the range and so they 've put them in different colour bottles .
15 Some of them are on N two , that erm , not necessarily , in fact the majority of the forms in the supporting guidelines on manuals are not versioned yet but they , we followed the advice of Roy there and we have listed them in each of the guidelines with a statement of erm , we 've just , I mean , a clear listing there of each form and when we actually go to introduce the next time , reprint , we will then put version codes on them .
16 They have to cope them in accepted rites
17 this is a school one , yeah , they have to write them in this little
18 We have classified them in two ways .
19 mm , mm yeah , better put that one in as well , you need to put them in proper so that you can get it closed
20 He will , of course , have encountered them in literary rather than in critical texts , but he will nevertheless appreciate the polysemy of a term like différance and not feel uncomfortable without a definition of its proper or primary meaning ( there is none ) .
21 No doubt , having aired these feelings well in public he will be exerting pressure behind the scenes to ensure there is no further need to repeat them in open audience .
22 Let us look now at some problems of this neo-fundamentalism as I have observed them in modern church life .
23 But it is also because their own specialist interests have led them in other directions .
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