Example sentences of "[vb base] [verb] [adv] [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This commitment , and the overall pacifist , pro-feminist , libertarian , green and non-exploitative ethos we espouse has generally led to our expressed opinions on the Pembroke Ranges issue being greeted with scepticism and distrust by the climbing establishment .
2 During my last visit to Bara in September 1992 Ian Jack , Manager at Lochboisdale and the Manager responsible for Castlebay , came across in this self-same partly-open-to-the elements ferry becoming totally saturated in the process and had to spend the morning drying himself at the Castlebay heater .
3 If , as everyone now insists , Noah had made up his mind not to continue as Davis Cup captain well before the match against Switzerland , then the decision can not have had anything to do with his obvious annoyance that , in his eyes , neither Henri Leconte or Guy Forget had properly prepared for the tie .
4 There is also a slight improvement on the jobs front with 30 p.c. of directors saying they expect to recruit more compared with 25 p.c. in the earlier survey .
5 So we know from previous studies that these ones when they die have n't gone to heaven
6 ‘ My hands and face get completely covered in grease and dirt , ’ laughs Lesley .
7 However , I am not hopeful that her example will force the institution to reassess its attitude to the critical account , for even the fears of someone like Stead , which came from a central location of police power at the Staff College at Bramshill , seem to have largely fallen on stony ground .
8 If the British system of policing is a social construction geared to the maintenance of élitist power and is primarily concerned to keep control over a materially disadvantaged underclass , then these same ‘ dangerous classes ’ seem to have willingly entered into this game of power-relations with their masters ; and by doing so they have deflected attention away from their own lack of privilege and power .
9 These perceptions are more than a sad reflection of how little sex roles have changed : women seem to have much invested in keeping things the way they are , in seeing their partners as stronger and saner .
10 Women seem to have much invested in keeping things the way they are , in seeing men as stronger and saner
11 Charles Muses , a Columbia University Doctor of Philosophy , is convinced that there are forms of living substance far more subtle than our relatively crude polarised ( i.e. electron/proton ) matter form already hinted at in the mysterious physical effectiveness of the so-called ‘ vacuum state ’ as revealed by Quantum Physics .
12 I suppose they get fed up stuck in all the time , do n't they ?
13 Watching people you hardly know getting progressively drunk in front of your eyes while you soberly and precisely monitor the way they change is unexpectedly disturbing .
14 The 41-year-old duke said last night : ‘ I can not morally stay within a party which I fundamentally believe has ideologically gone off the rails . ’
15 Mrs Browning , who looks weak and I believe has hardly moved from her room all winter , though she has ventured on a carriage trip or two since spring arrived , is excited by the promise Cavour has made to bring some statesmanship into this affair and hopes much from him .
16 As ‘ Spirit Of Eden ’ was the last album under their contract for EMI , Talk Talk quickly signed with the smaller home-of-the-weird label , Verve , an operation Mark feels was tailor-made for his particular brand of uneasy listening .
17 His first Masters win has now slipped from his ranking points .
18 I tend to get completely engrossed with what I am doing and do it to the best of my ability , ’ … and that 's running Runrig .
19 Antenatal classes could be more sensitive to their younger members , and fortunately some classes do exist specifically geared towards this age group .
20 Erm , in fact Ted Hughes I think has largely lived in the countryside so it is quite likely that his house in which he sets this poem is in the countryside .
21 There are certain academic precedents , particularly the uncontroversial establishment in a number of universities of degrees in drama , which do work previously thought of as belonging to an English degree .
22 Im getting extremely pissed off having my TV Licence money spent on Scum hype — and then not to be shown the goals .
23 And er that was all the particulars I think Miss ever got for him .
24 But , with the exception of image processing systems ( see p 62 ) , computers and the documents they generate have only added to the printed matter which covers most desks : even today 95% of business information is paper-based , and every year millions of working hours are wasted just searching for information .
25 Yet things that move have always bumped into each other .
26 It is no wonder that the judges in Star Chamber condemned ‘ so foul matters as we think have seldom appeared in any man ’ .
27 In welcoming the release of Mr. Waite and Mr. Sutherland , may I express the hope that none of us forget that there are still more hostages whom we wish to see speedily returned to their homes .
28 Their model is contemporary western democracy , something that most of them admit has never existed in its modern form in eastern Europe .
29 some of these countries in Africa though they 've got like compared with the population , they 've got loads of land , compared with somewhere say like , like U K , so if that 's the case , how come they 've got so much surplus labour ?
30 Some of their comments , it 's like the untutored eye , they pick out things that surprise you because you 've got so used to a particular manner of approaching images , that you forget that there are other ways of doing it .
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