Example sentences of "[vb base] [verb] [pn reflx] to the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It 's definitely an experience and I try to give myself to the moment and make the most of it .
2 This is a subject to which I shall return , but for the moment I prefer to confine myself to the typical picture and to show where my own circumstances coincided with it or diverged from it .
3 Behavioural psychologists prefer to limit themselves to the physically observable .
4 Therefore , virtually all methods of land evaluation have limited themselves to the physical factors of climate , relief and soil .
5 Before all that , however , England have to readdress themselves to the problem of defeating the Irish and the Dutch , who beat them in Stuttgart and Dusseldorf last year .
6 The absence of any coherent and agreed philosophy for the media in many African countries is a matter which is of obvious concern to many of that continent 's politicians as well as its media professionals , and a number of African leaders have addressed themselves to the problem .
7 The trend indicates that as the date for reauthorisation approaches , liberals have resigned themselves to the fact the NEA chairmanship is not a rostrum for ethics , but a political post .
8 The second argument is that the governments of the EC have committed themselves to the goal of Monetary Union in communiqués at the end of summits in the past .
9 She will see those who have committed themselves to the traditional model of education , some as a matter of principle , but others because to question it opens up too big a can of worms .
10 Employers and , indeed , trade unions have committed themselves to the CBI 's testing and challenging education and training targets .
11 This process has placed enormous pressure upon our employees and it is tremendously encouraging to see the way in which staff have committed themselves to the new organisation .
12 Yesterday , a clutch of companies which have committed themselves to the project , including the Liverpool Daily Post and Echo , were awarded Liverpool Compact Partnership Bonds .
13 The sociologists of art who discuss music have to restrict themselves to the conditions in which it is performed , produced , or received , rather than the music itself .
14 ‘ I have cantered among the hyenas of the Serengeti as they brought down wildebeest ; I have danced the Wellington Boot Dance with the Zulu in the township hostels ; I have tiptoed through the Bibliothèque Nationale , listening to the gummy gumming of mundane scholars ; I have shelled prawns with slant-eyed androgynes in the polyglot souks of the uttermost East ; I have reached the nadir of a nonsensical number of psycho-sexual trances , both in the Amazonian hinterland and the plastic cultures of the Pacific rim ; I have subsumed myself to the circuitry of artificial cerebella in the silicone wadis ; I have crawled down the barrels of guns on all five continents , only to spring forth again — triumphant ; I have tittered in the stalls and tottered by the walls festooned with epicene opera-lovers ; I have sallied forth into the salons of the old world and the new ; I have hefted steins in the beerhalls and pinched flutes in the Shires ; I have raced laggardly protons around the cyclotron , revelling in the sempiternal sciamachy ; and — let us not forget — I have also hidden under couches whilst the moneyed pulers petted their kittenish neuroses , imagining themselves trusted , secluded .
15 And those long gentle lines of the dip-slope of the Cotswolds , those misty uplands of the sheep-grey oolite , how they have lent themselves to the villainous requirements of the new age !
16 The commencement power er will not be put into effect by the Home Secretary until he knows that the other countries have accommodated themselves to the new arrangements .
17 The observant reader will have noticed that we have helped ourselves to the content of the features proposed by Hymes and the co-ordinates proposed by Lewis in a fairly arbitrary way .
18 Teacher training institutions therefore still need to address themselves to the issues outlined in the survey :
19 It is management that have to address themselves to the solutions , either by using internal resources or by engaging outside consultants .
20 In this short debate , we have to address ourselves to the question whether the discount of 25 per cent .
21 To be fair to the Tories , would Lady Whitelaw , Lady Howe or Lady Ridley have subjected themselves to the magazine make-over ?
22 About fifteen of the boys said that they felt some need to prove themselves to the others and to become known to them by name .
23 Yes I mean it does n't go down well and I 'll say the things you have to do when you when you 're helping to run a club , you have to commit yourself to the club and you have to do the jobs that th presented by the club .
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