Example sentences of "[det] does not [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 This does not mean a suspension of judgement and uncritical acceptance of the thief and murderer the Shipman is suggested to be in the General Prologue ( I : 388 – 410 ) ; a fitting teller for a graceless tale .
2 This does not represent a reduction in commitment to the idea of Woonerven .
3 Recently the Treasury has become very slow to approve in lieu deals , which has led to this useful fiscal provision being underused ; in 1991–92 , works of art worth £3.4 million were accepted in lieu of tax , when the provision ( although this does not represent a ceiling ) is for £11 million p.a .
4 We would argue that this does not give a clear explanation of the decision because the judgment is an after-the-event rationalization of the decision and does not necessarily give the real reasons for it .
5 Although the functionaries of Soviet society merely earn salaries in return for the functions required by the state , this does not give a complete picture of their privileges ; others derive from their control over the system of distribution .
6 This does not settle a continuing debate but it does not need to .
7 This does not involve a commitment to a notion of a politics of consumption à la Gorz or Saunders .
8 This does not demand a high degree of psychotherapeutic experience , but does require a good deal of common-sense .
9 The conservative aspect of the new bourgeoisie is that it establishes a more durable form of capitalism , but as Becker does not see socialism as the only way of ushering in progress , this does not present a problem for him in his depiction of the new corporate bourgeoisie as promoters of development .
10 At present , the service to the adoption triangle is fragmented between adoption agencies and various health professionals in limited capacities , and this does not present a structured approach to making happy families .
11 This does not reflect a lack of sympathy with the ethical basis of vegetarianism , far from it .
12 This does not reflect a radical social openness or free circulation of agents between social positions , since the offspring of the higher occupational grades still have a much greater relative chance of ending up in those grades than people from lower occupational backgrounds , but all the same it represents de facto social mobility on a large scale .
13 Occasionally you will get a narrow white band where the sections join , but this does not cause a problem .
14 This does not invite a discussion of the basic principles of sovereignty ; still less is it an invitation to write a general essay on Parliamentary sovereignty .
15 Even this does not seem a sufficient explanation .
16 The wage differential ( ) has been treated as representing the effects of unionization , but this does not seem a particularly satisfactory way of investigating union behaviour .
17 De La Rue chairman Peter Orchard comments : ‘ This does not have a major effect on the results of the company for the half year of for the previous year , but it does have the consequence of increasing marginally our earnings per share in both periods as the result of including within ordinary activities certain items previously classified as extraordinary . ’
18 It turns out that this does not have a simple answer , for there are many different kinds of ganglion cell ( as anatomists have long known ) , and when one records from them one finds that they carry different types of message .
19 Massey 's schematic representation of this form seems to imply that particular production units may be associated with head offices , but this does not imply a privileged status for any particular unit because head office functions may not be associated with any productive unit and are in any event highly mobile .
20 This does not imply a blank check of American support throughout the world for every interest of the British Empire , but only in respect of areas and interests which are in the opinion of the US vital to the maintenance of the United Kingdom and the British Commonwealth of Nations as a great power .
21 Indeed , at first glance this does not look a very compelling book : it holds to a strong version of the Whorf-Sapir hypothesis ; it contains extended discussions of those perennial seminar heroes Lok and Benjy from Golding 's The Inheritors and Faulkner 's The Sound and the Fury respectively ; and there is a dutiful chapter on gender .
22 This does not provide a big enough buffer stock to allow each group to vary its speed of working through the day to a significant enough degree .
23 However , the government will wish to be closely concerned with the operation of the company to ensure that this does not provide a blanket guarantee to underwrite whatever losses the company makes through its own stupidity or inefficiency .
24 Even so , this does not pose a problem if your charger is switchable to the US standard , and it is a point you should check out first if you intend to use a European-standard camcorder in the United States .
25 Some firms , or companies , may recruit workers locally , and sell their products locally — but this does not constitute a ‘ local economy ’ .
26 For the individual participant in a chatting relationship , this does not constitute a difficulty , because he has plenty of previous personal and local experience to call upon .
27 The orthodox legal position was re-stated namely , that where there is an effective reservation of title clause this does not constitute a conventional security device as it is a reservation of title by the supplier rather than a grant by the debtor of a jus in re aliena ( see Chapter 12 ) .
28 However , this does not become a major problem until the late eighteenth century .
29 The latter does not offer a route to the former , and should be strenuously opposed as a mere manipulatory gambit on the part of ‘ capital ’ .
30 The former does not have a full-time commitment to the classroom and so has no occasion to engage in operational activities and empirical evaluation as intrinsic to the pedagogic process .
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