Example sentences of "[det] those [pron] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 Unite with all those who hate the French and revolt against their despotic rule .
2 Yet the tradition of the Germanic tribes was that judgement should be pronounced by the whole body of freemen , by all the ‘ suitors ’ , all those who had the right and duty of regular attendance at the court ; and the jurisdiction of the old royal and popular courts was cut across here , there and everywhere by the numerous feudal courts erected in increasing numbers on the basis of royal grant or mere usurpation from the ninth century onwards , and in the eleventh and twelfth by the appearance of borough courts and town courts of various kinds and courts which merchants set up to handle their own problems , which could hardly be handled by the warrior president or the yokel suitors of a popular court .
3 ‘ First I want you to sit down over here and write down the names of all those who shared the stolen fruit with you . ’
4 As the largest European city — with an estimated population of 200,000 in 1300 — Paris exerted a magnetic attraction for all those who served the ruling classes and ministered to their needs and pleasures .
5 So if the Protestant camp was divided between Calvinist and Lutheran , the Catholic Camp was divided between the Habsburgs and all those who opposed the ambitions of that dynasty , a group which included the ‘ Most Christian Majesty ’ of France , the popes of Rome , the Protestant powers such as the Dutch , English , Bohemians and Swedes and assorted Protestant princes of Germany concerned to preserve the ‘ German Liberties ’ .
6 It was assumed in Paris , rightly as it turned out , that Queen Victoria would add her powers of dissuasion to all those who opposed the idea and that the combined opposition would convince Napoleon III that his plan was dangerous and unnecessary .
7 ‘ I hope and pray that the decision to give me the Nobel Peace Prize will encourage all those who pursue the cause of peace to do so in a renewed spirit of optimism and strength . ’
8 Unfortunately , no record seems to have survived of the names of all those who signed the document : in an interview with the Despatch on 1 September , one of their leaders said they were mostly from printing offices which had not agreed to the men 's memorial , that is on the whole the smaller offices .
9 All those who attended the meeting of March 12th know differently .
10 We thank all those who attended the conference .
11 While the organisers tried to keep track of all those who attended the conference , many people came and went after the initial registration period .
12 The Laboratory staff would like to thank all those who attended the opening ceremony ( the Editor was not invited — Ed. — All the more leftover chicken legs for us — RN ) .
13 Scotland and Northern Ireland combined forces to present the range of pest control services to all those who attended the Royal Highland Show .
14 You could remind existing members that membership is open to all those who support the aims of the Medau Society so their families might like to join to support their interest .
15 Socialist leaders called last night on ‘ all those who support the forces of progress ’ to turn out in force next Sunday to prevent an overwhelming a conservative victory which , they said , would be dangerous for France .
16 Once again my set is now complete and I am very grateful to all those who took the trouble and interest to write to me .
17 The parish expressed their appreciation to the National Trust for the use of the Coniston Hall and also to all those who made the occasion such a happy family affair .
18 Mr Kennedy badgered Soviet authorities into ensuring all those who deserved the honour got it .
19 These machines are chess-playing calculators ; even the weakest is better than the average chess player ( someone who plays at the median strength of all those who know the rules ) .
20 AN OBJECT lesson for all those who bemoan the artistic indifference of government , last night 's Omnibus ( BBC 1 ) looked at a political leader who took the closest interest in art , a mediocre and embittered water-colourist who eventually turned to another medium — mass emotion and warfare .
21 He issued a decree , which was to be read in all churches , excommunicating Gaveston if he failed to leave the kingdom by the set date ( 25 June 1308 ) or afterwards tried to return ; all those who assisted the favourite in either offence were encompassed in the sentence .
22 But a few days later the Soviet Government organ admitted that ‘ possibly neutralisation would be conducive to the creation of a system of collective security in Asia ’ and that ‘ the proposal for this system is cherished by all those who seek the normalisation of the situation in Asia ’ .
23 Throughout exercising a judicial approach and maintaining judicial independence ; doing all that is possible to enhance the perceptions of justice of all those who use the courts , be they lawyers , litigants , defendants , witnesses or jurors .
24 There has been yet another substantial increase in resources for the NHS , and that will enable a continuing reduction in waiting lists and better service for all those who use the NHS .
25 ‘ What we need … is a big , open , extrovert movement , which is rich in diversity , which even encourages it , a movement gathering all those who share the values of solidarity and a goal of transformation , ’ he said .
26 Equally impressive scenery is enjoyed by all those who ride the cable-car up to the top of Monte Baldo .
27 In the increasing access climate your Forbidden Arans article in the February issue further demonstrates the need for a concerted and unified stance from all those who value the open moors countryside and mountain areas in Britain .
28 Finally may I thank all those who supported the event which saw five main line steam locomotives operating over a preserved main line and hope that they found their visit enjoyable .
29 Congratulations to all those who found the 320 new members , unfortunately there are over 450 people who have not renewed .
30 This is recommended reading for all those who think the interpretation of facts is simple matter !
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