Example sentences of "[det] people who have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Some people would , it may be in fact a selling point direct , some people who 'd felt they 'd
2 But for some people who 've dabbled in the real thing the effects have been fatal .
3 Barbara was wonderful : unlike some people who had known him as a child , she treated him as an adult .
4 Both The Cloud of Unknowing and Walter Hilton suggest that some people who had read Rolle 's work or who had heard about his experiences were almost breaking all bounds in order to encounter something similar themselves and were , consequently , damaging themselves as well as wasting their time .
5 Well I do n't think they do because we 've got here some people who have done the er some people have done an hotel and I think it would be best to explain the whole thing to them
6 Some people who have become severely deafened do not wear rubber soles on their shoes because they can only feel the vibration through the floor when wearing leather soles .
7 Er like one ounce has gone and we talked to some people who have tried it it was alright but a bit gakky at times
8 Listen I 've got , Vernon I I 've got some people who have had the side effects .
9 Perkin , I thought , was one of the very few people who 'd known about the camera and the trail .
10 Translating them into actual events , there could be few people who had anticipated that a British Airways Boeing 747 would suffer loss of power on all four engines for sixteen minutes when it flew into a volcanic ash cloud at 37 000 feet .
11 Not me personally but I have known a few people who 've wanted perhaps , a very quiet wedding , just in a registry office , and finished up with a large church wedding .
12 Bill Rathje , a professor of archaeology at the University of Arizona , is one of the few people who has burrowed into America 's landfills and weighed and measured their contents — a treatment usually reserved for the dustbins of rock stars .
13 Sylvia is one of the few people who has learnt to interpret Elaine 's noises .
14 She stood up to your mother , and I 've known very few people who have had the pluck to do it . "
15 I can bring along the statements of these people who 've said all sorts of things , you can you know put down at once but they 're not put down .
16 and we 've , we 've a steady occupation etcetera etcetera , but we just turn er , er , you know we 're just blind to these people who 've got nothing and there 's more and more people have got nothing
17 Most importantly , I have learnt something of the responsibility a researcher has towards these people who have let him or her into their lives .
18 Er those known to so many of us who gave their lives here from this base and finally er in honour of those who have done such a tremendous and magnificent job in the restoration of this nerve centre of , of the Hundredth Group and , and as we dedicate this plaque and this building today , we remember , before God and before one another , all of these people who have had a part in what we do here today .
19 and erm but erm even so getting to and from the bus was a bit of a problem , unfortunately I 've never had erm been one of these people who have got the nerve to erm go about a great deal by themselves and erm being up in London you know , immediately before the war I had erm , it was n't very easy getting about so erm and erm I was n't very
20 The answer received was that all people who have lived in that area have imprinted their personalities on the chalk , which in origin is organic , and that he was picking this up : ‘ As a sensitive , you replay , like a gramophone record , everything that has been recorded on the chalk !
21 but that also includes double glazing all people who have had to view things
22 In a country where gestures are important , the official playing of the anthem at Ellis Park was insensitive to many people who had seen the very acceptance of the tours as a major compromise .
23 He stated that he had met too many people who had become mentally disturbed by playing about with ideas and activities which have done them deep emotional damage .
24 Many people who had planned to take part last year are not currently available but we 've overcome all the problems . ’
25 Mrs. Jarrett , whose hobbies include china collecting , Scrabble , reading and ‘ a little bingo ’ , spoke of the very many people who had helped and supported her over the years .
26 The co-ordinator told me that many people who had come to therapy groups for anxieties or depressions were now volunteer workers .
27 I mean not many people who 'd clashed with mrs thatcher did survive .
28 I 've met so many people who 've come up and been introduced and just looked at me and gone , ‘ No , that 's the wrong guy …
29 I also think that having to report back would assist with dealing with the many , many people who have complained about the state of our footpaths network but individual complaints and with user groups and we 're off to see representatives out of County Council , they 're not here today but they 're off to hear it at our Committee meetings and I do think that having an officially report back to the Environment Committee would assist in meeting their requirements would be good P R. Thank you .
30 Many people who have reached this stage in their infection can look forward to no further trouble from their disease and will probably die of old age or some other condition unrelated to their syphilis .
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