Example sentences of "[det] time [verb] with [pron] " in BNC.

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1 But there is room for people , like myself for example , who have part interest in education , if I could put it that way , to spend some time working with you .
2 I was thinking it would be nice to spend some time travelling with someone else , to share the strain but , as we entered the darkness which had me constantly glancing up to check the shadow of my bag , my only companion was the bearded , dark-eyed twin who stared back at me from the occluded window .
3 That crack penetrated , but I had wasted too much time to deal with it .
4 She was beginning to tackle the problem in her quietly determined way , by suggesting a movie or a shopping trip to one or two of the quieter girls in the nurses ' home , and by spending more time chatting with her patients instead of being simply a sympathetic presence .
5 If Eva had any regrets it was that her mother had never been able to put in words just how much she obviously meant to her , and that there had not been more time to spend with her parents over the years .
6 However , I am getting the business matters straightened out and I hope it wo n't be too long before I shall have more time to spend with you . ’
7 Martin Dyer may soon have a lot more time to play with his daughter … he says following a maintenance order from the Child Support Agency he may not be able to afford to work .
8 His arrival suggests that Mr Bush will appear more often on television , spend less time at his Maine seaside retreat , and less time playing with his dogs .
9 Using a slight pushing action , he shifts the weight on to the extended right leg while at the same time skipping with his left foot towards the extended right leg and almost simultaneously jumping off the ground with the right leg .
10 I could apply their larger statements about the futility of life to the smaller futility of my own , at the same time identifying with them in the literal sense and recognising the irony inherent in any such identification .
11 Carrie was hard put to it and she had little time to talk with him , but it was not long before Billy turned up at the cafe eager to see his friend and Carrie directed him into the back room .
12 The mother was very distressed at the living arrangements as she was the housemaid for the whole extended family and had very little time to spend with her son .
13 The Duchess will be told quite clearly that if news or information gets out publicly in any way she could be fined , for example will be warned that time spent with her children will possibly be curtailed if she does n't tow the line .
14 1 What impression did you get of the place where the story is set ? 2 How did the life of the children at that time compare with your life ? 3 Do you believe in ghosts ?
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